chapter five

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[ recap of part 4 ]

Reyna worried a lot these days. About Nico. 

She knew it was hard to comprehend the full extent of what he had been going through the past years. But at least she had to try, being his girlfriend and only confidante. She had to seek help for him. Twice she had tried to coerce him to visit counsellors or find aid from teachers, but he said this never worked. She was trying her best to help him through the pain and the misery. 

She liked to think that she had the power to put a genuine smile on his face, and she hoped she did. 


[ Nico's graduation AU ]

They were working on Nico's graduation project in his room, Reyna being free all day. 

Nico glanced appraisingly at the sketch she'd drafted for the newest model of his project, this cool graffiti wall they'd knocked up for students to "vandalise" messages of leaving on the great day. They both agreed that it was a great idea, considering Nico was a whiz at art and craft. 

He nodded. "I think this version's okay. Better than the one with neon paint, that might blind all the students and staff." 

Reyna laughed. "Yeah, it might. There's this thing though: where are you gonna get the spray paint from? It's weird but the art teachers don't have it in stock."

"From the craft shop downstairs I suppose," Nico's gaze drifted idly to the window, and suddenly noticed the thumbtacked calendar poster on his wall.

Big artsy letters proclaimed, 7TH JULY, PROM. 

Nico groaned, startling Reyna from her avid sketching. 

"What is it?" she gave a concerned look and shifted her hand to enclose his. 

He pointed anxiously to the letters, and she realised. 

"I don't, up to now, have a single prom date."

Reyna grimaced, her eyes darkening. "You'll find one someday. Or go with a random girl." She didn't quite fancy the idea of Nico going to prom, not with her, and for a fleeting moment she thought, I'm really in love with him aren't I?

Then she blushed, which was fair considering the circumstances. 

He caught the small flash of jealousy from her eyes and was reassured: at least she cared. 

Nico sighed, "I really should've gone to prom with you the year you graduated. Remember that?" 

He smiled, and Reyna was transported back into a maelstrom of memories. 


[ prom AU ]

Their school held prom a full two days after graduation, as per tradition. It was technically weird to hold prom so late but their schedule didn't allow time. 

Reyna was planning to go with this guy from the hockey team, James Lawrence, but her heart knew who she really wanted to spend prom with. 

Her secret boyfriend...Nico. 

Nobody knew they were dating. Nobody, save stupid old Jason Grace who almost spilled the beans to the whole wide world if Reyna hadn't shut him up with a few well-placed threatening messages. 

She didn't understand why he didn't want to go public, like he was a new student and he didn't need to be so scared. But he insisted at first, and only when they went on their first date and told each other the truth that she realised he had a good reason to. 

Dreams VS Reality--A Reynico AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum