chapter three

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[ Reyna's graduation AU ]

Reyna was going to graduate in a few days. Her last school term was coming to an end. 

Fortunately, she'd left a half year for her to adapt before she flew to the US for finishing school. She didn't feel scared, or anything like that. Instead she kind of looked forward to it secretly. Well, she was looking forward to it most of the time. 

Sometimes she wanted to stay in school, be the carefree girl she'd once been, and follow her instincts. 

Which wasn't telling her to fly to finishing school after six months. 

It was telling her an entirely different story. 

She banished the wild thoughts from her mind, chiding herself. It would never happen. 

Just then, Nico slid into the booth opposite her, eyes darting around their surroundings. 

Reyna laughed openly. "It's okay, nothing's gonna happen." Yeah, definitely, nothing's gonna happen, her inner conscience nagged as her heart gave an unconscious leap at his appearance. 

The nervous 11th grader shifted, looking sheepish. "I was know, being careful. If anyone in Oakwood High or any other high school for that matter, sees you hanging with me, there'll be trouble."

She shook her head. "Why? There's no reason to be."

He shot a look at her, her perfect physical features and her unknowing smile and her warm words, and decided not to. 

Nico cleared his throat, flagging down a waiter. "Let's not worry about my problems yet, orders first."

Reyna had a nagging suspicion that something was up, but then she didn't press him. After all, best friends didn't push on secrets that they didn't want to tell. 

Especially if they were personal. 

But even as they left the shop, she could see that he was putting up a facade and trying to be as if he was okay. 

He wasn't, clearly. What was the matter?


Nico sat with his back to the wall, typing out a last-minute essay on his computer and wishing that he was invisible. People kept staring at him. 

After he'd finished, he logged on to and sent an email to his instructor. 

He checked his black Casio watch, noticing that he had a half hour of lunch left. He had nothing to do. Reyna had gone to the library with her classmate Katie to finish up their project. Hazel was probably bunking off lessons with her popular crowd, going to the malls and hanging. 

That left him alone. 

Nico went on the school website again and fooled around a bit with his emails, tidying up his mailbox. Then an idea struck him. An idea...a way to admit what he had been so unwilling to admit.

He had to do it before she graduated. Or else she might be out of his life forever. 

Well, that was if she never got back with Hazel and the gang. 

He opened a fresh email, titled it I Don't Know How To Say This, and started to write. 

Minutes later he was rewarded with a satisfying-looking email. He hoped it wasn't too embarrassing. His mouse hovered over the Send button for quite a long time after, wavering. 

Dreams VS Reality--A Reynico AUWhere stories live. Discover now