chapter one

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[ party AU ]

Reyna flung her ponytail back as she gasped for breath on the treadmill. 

Maybe she was working too hard. After all, one hour was maybe too much for an eighteen-year-old girl to spend at the gym. But she liked exercising. It was her life. 

Okay, to be honest, she didn't have much of a life. 

Stupid depression getting in again. 

I hate Jason's guts. 

Oh god, I should just erase my memories. Breakups are dumb.

An audible beep echoed around the room and she stepped off dizzily, making sure she held onto the shaky bars. The floor was spinning. 

Her Samsung rang shrilly in her pocket, emitting an amplified version of Roar by Katy Perry. 

"Hello?" She answered with a frown. 

"Hey, it's Hazel. You free this afternoon?"

Reyna sighed, flopping her towel back on her arm and leaving the gym.

"Yeah, I guess, what's up?"

"I'm gonna bring the gang over to my house. Party's starting at 1."

Hazel always had loads of parties.

"Sure, whatever, see you there." 

Reyna hung up quickly, dashing back to her apartment and pressing the lift. She had a lot to do.


Nico wasn't sure about the party. 

He was antisocial, after all. And depressed. And bored. 

But his foster parents were all like, aw yeah! My son has friends! and he was too sympathetic and kind to contradict them that no, they were only his sister's friends. He frankly didn't care about her gang, but he had to try. 

Yes, foster parents. 

Sometimes he wished his life didn't suck that much. 

"Hazel! Do I really have to tag along with your bunch?" he yelled, much out of desperation. 

Hazel popped her head round the door, smiling and holding a teetering stack of clothes. What was it with girls and parties and clothes? Nico wondered.

"Nah, you should just leave us alone. You're a baby, remember?" She smirked.

"Huh. I'm sixteen, sis." 

"I was only joking! Jeez, chill, and don't call me sis." Hazel slipped out again. 


Nico fiddled around aimlessly for the rest of the time, occasionally binge-watching Youtube and Five Nights At Freddy's. He was still bored. 

He hoped the party would be worth it. But then again, nothing was. 

Pulling out some drawers, he rummaged until he found the sharp serrated Swiss army knife in one of the more hidden spots. It was starting to rust, but the tang of blood was still unbearable when he opened the box. 

He debated on whether or not he should. 

Maybe not. After the party.

After the party, he would surely be thoroughly depressed. And anyway, the scars hadn't healed yet. 

Nico sighed and went to change into a fresh set of clothes. Might as well look good if there was any point. 


Dreams VS Reality--A Reynico AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ