Time to meet IrishAndFriends_

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1. How did you get to know about wattpad?

A: Well, I was looking for a book in a local book store around here in Ireland and I find the ones on sales really bad. I mean, of course, they're well-written but the plots are too cliche. After that, I made a rant about it and said everything to my cousin who happens to be a silent-reader in Wattpad. She told me about this and I actually found it interesting so I made myself an account and WALAH! Soon, I also write some stories for myself and it's really fun.

2. Which is your favorite genre? Why? 

 A: I have to say that there's a tie between Teen-Fiction and Humour. I mean, I'm the type of girl who loves to laugh anytime and anywhere so I can never live without humour. On the other hand, Teen-Fiction is always tagging in with me because I don't really understand adults yet so reading teenage people is entertaining me more.

3. Have you written other stories before coming to wattpad? 

 A: Honestly, no. It's funny because before Wattpad, I'm into Animating and my focus was really attached in it but then...yeah. Wattpad came and my life is doomed. My Animating motivation is lacking so I kind of stopped for a while.

4. How did you get idea for your first story in wattpad? 

 A: My first story in here was deleted but I got the idea when I was washing the dishes and I tripped. The plot shouldn't be told right now since I'm too depressed to recall the story's details.

5. If you ever face writer's block, how will you overcome it? 

 A: I have never face WB before because whenever I post a story, I make sure that I know every inch of details, situations, and dialogues in it. But maybe in the future and I did face one, I might say that reading other books will gain spirit and imagination.

6.Any happy incident related to wattpad.

 A: Hmm...so far, incidents never came to me yet. Sorry.

7. Do you aspire to be an author. 

 A: A LARGE NO. To make it clearer, writing is just a hobby for me that I definitely enjoy. Maybe in the future I might but I doubt that because I have my own dreams and I'm telling you, being an author is not a part of it.

8.Who are favorite authors? 

 A: The Hunger Games' Suzanne Collins and The Diary of the Wimpy Kid's Jeff Kinney. Those two are just...incredible!

9. How does it feels to get interviewed? 

 A: It feels great, really. It's like...for a few minutes you feel like people are interested about you and then after that moment, it pops out like a bubble and you feel absolutely normal once again (aw). Hahahaha but, yeah, it does feel great; in fact, it feels fantastic!

10. Anything you want to say to your fans.

 A: In all honesty, I do not want to act self-centered or something related to that but this is a moment so I won't waste it (lol). Thank you so, so, so, SO much to those 448 people (as of today) who are following me. I love you guys and you don't know how much y'all made my heart flutter. Whenever I see the list growing I feel so happy like a child having a new Transformers toy or an ice cream. I don't even think 'thank you' is enough. You guys are so amazing and thank you again--you know who you are. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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