Chapter 15

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Clearing my throat awkwardly, I was unable to look at Wesley's shocked features directly and turned my attention to Nightmare instead who nickered when I gingerly stroked my tied hands down his long soft nose.

"Dawn. How did you do that?" Wesley repeated interestedly, stepping closer which made the hairs on my neck stand as he neared.

How can I get out of this?!

Oh you know, I just have this aura around me that draws animals closer and sooths them ever since I was turned into a half breed. No big deal. Yeah, like that would go down well.

Biting my lip, I let whatever came to me roll off my tongue.

"Growing up in the forest my whole life has changed the way animals behave towards me... I don't know why," I mumbled timidly, not entirely lying as the black stallion nudged his head against my shoulder and snorted.

I gulped inwardly when I felt Wesley's presence close in, his shoulder brushing against mine causing me to shiver as he reached out and stroked Nightmare's glossy coat as well. My hands came to a still as I watched his large hand gently and caringly smooth over the horse's fur, flattening any hairs that were out of place and returning them to their flawless position.

"Well what you did was amazing," Wesley said in awe as he continued to run his hand over Nightmare's black coat. "I've never seen anything like it," he murmured quietly, his shoulders shifting as he turned towards me.

My air was clipped short once our eyes connected, a strange warm feeling building in the pit of my stomach from the captivating gaze Wesley was giving me. His hazel eyes that searched my own silver ones and refused to let me look anywhere but him. Why did he always look at me like that? Everyone else around the village glared or gawked at me, none of the hunters looked at me like he did nor Brydene, and Tarrin...

Well, I didn't understand his either.

"It is time to go," Tarrin growled lowly.

The sound of Tarrin's voice broke the trance we were in and I immediately dropped my gaze from Wesley's and stepped away to put some distance between us. The warm feeling in my stomach dwindled.

Not a minute later, the gate creaked as it swung open followed by Nightmare grandly prodding out of his stall. I couldn't help but watch in awe at the large animal walking towards me, the sheer size of the horse intimidating as it loomed closer. Muscular longs legs flexed in unison along with trained muscles rippling on its chest and back with each smooth step of the stallion. His rich black hide glistened like flowing water in the morning sun, glinting off the sunlight and looking unnaturally beautiful for a horse to have such a magnificent coat. Strong puffs of air blew out of the stallion's nostrils in time to the beats of its hooves plodding against the medium length golden grass that complimented its shimmering black hide. With a final step, the stunning beast halted in front of me and held its head high in the air; pompously showing off his work of art, knowing how glorious he was.

After a moment, Nightmare dropped his large, strong head to my level and stared right through me with his large, intelligent brown eyes. As if he could see straight through my second exterior. As if he knew... Lifting my hands, the smooth texture of his glimmering black fur rolled under the pads of my fingers as I ran my hands down the slope of his elegantly long nose.

When reaching his soft muzzle, his head jerked upwards in a quick motion and his body repositioned with a few steps of his large hooves. Backing up with my heart slightly pounding from the sudden movement, I gasped when I noticed Tarrin adjusting himself atop of the black steed with ease. My mind seemed unable to process anything as I found myself suddenly realizing how handsomely beautiful Tarrin actually was. How different he looked through human eyes instead of sharper wolf eyes trained to notice the smallest hair twitch on a mouse's back.

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