Chapter 21

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Loud crashing of the waterfall. Dampness seeping into my fur. Fear engulfing my body. Hand posed above my heart with that life-ending weapon. All memories trampled my senses like a herd of galloping horses, as I took in the blade lying harmless in his grasp. So peaceful looking, yet lethal.

"Where did you find this?" Tarrin repeated, his eyes never straying from my form. They scrutinized my every move, resembling a hawk waiting to dive in on its prey the moment it twitched.

"I've never seen that in my life." My voice was as unconvincing as it sounded.

He rolled his eyes at my response, buying it as much as I believed it. I was never one to be good at lying, and Tarrin was quick to call me out.

"You suck at lying," Tarrin pointed dryly.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I mentally concluded there was no way I could get around this one. Brydene found the knife and wolf in my outfit the first day I was brought here and stripped. Immediately, she had given it to the hunters.

"I found it in the forest," I answered plainly, wanting nothing more than for him to leave. His presence clogged my mind with a heavy haze making it impossible to think. Every cell in my body was bombarded with his heavenly scent reminding me of the woods just outside his home.

"More specifically, where," he demanded, the tone in his voice blunt—indicating he knew where I had found it. He wasn't a stupid man; he would remember he dropped his knife in that cave in front of the white Charm wolf. Those moments would be engraved in both our minds. The only difference: I knew who was standing in front of me. I could only hope he wouldn't make the connection between the furry mammal cowering in the cave and myself.

The only thing easing my nerves at this point, was the fact the hunters never came across a half breed before. Therefore, piecing together the information they gathered always became tangled when trying to relate it back to me.

Keeping my lips sealed, I waited to see where he'd take this. I didn't want to say anything that would come back to bite me later.

"Does a lagoon sound familiar to you?" Tarrin questioned, cocking his head, eyes turning to slits. "More so, in a cave behind the waterfall in that lagoon?" He took a step closer. I remained mute.

He bent at the waist, his chest lowering until it leveled out in front of my vision. I could just see the valley of muscle between his pecks peeking through the drooping collar of his dark green shirt. Hastily, I raise my gaze from the inviting skin to meet his forest eyes inspecting my own.

In a fluid motion, his pinky finger hooked the side of the hilt, flicking it so it spun in his palm and the glaring edge of the blade was suddenly level between my eyes. The glint of light reflecting off the blade sparked my eye, and I felt a sudden pang of fear from the last time this knife had been directed at me.

"Does any of that sound... familiar to you?" He inquired shrewdly, raising a dark brow at me.

"I've known that lagoon and its secrets for many years and travelled there often," I said cautiously, grip tightening around the carving in my hand for comfort. I knew I had to tip toe carefully through this topic.

Tarrin waited for me to continue with a distrusting air suspended around him.

"I stumbled upon that knife a few days before I was tranquilized and taken here," I said reproachfully, scowling when his lips tugged at the corners. His mind no doubt wandered to the fact he shot me down and enjoyed it thoroughly.

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