Chapter 8

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Scratching behind his soft, chestnut coloured little ear, the chipmunk arched his neck to push his tiny head into my finger more. Cupping the fragile form in my left palm, I followed the black stripe, running the pad of my finger down the curve of his back and up his bushy tail, earning me a squeak of happiness. The chipmunk's fur still had the extremely soft, non-worn texture and my thoughts of its young age were confirmed once I noticed the small baby hairs sprouting through its thicker mature pelt. Trailing my finger to the underside of the chipmunk's jaw, I lightly rubbed from his chin to the base of his throat and a pleasurable gurgle erupted from the adorable mammal. I giggled as the fuzz ball seemed taken aback that he produced such a weird, abnormal sound.

'You shouldn't play with your food,' Seff commented simply, his enormously large, black presence scaring the wits out of the young chipmunk and causing it to curl into a ball and bury its face into my palm.

I glared playfully at Seff, while covering the animal with my other hand to shelter it from the big bad beast in front of me. "I don't eat baby animals contrary to what you may do," I criticized, stroking the chipmunk's body to soothe it.

Seff staggered backwards as if wounded, before sauntering closer to observe my enclosed hands. His nostrils widened, puffing hot air onto my hands as he sniffed the creature. He looked uninterestedly bored with the animal,'I do not eat babies thank you very much,' he scoffed insulted, 'I find them dry and tasteless with not enough meat on them.'

Uncovering my hand from on top of the chipmunk, I poked Seff's nose which was moist and quite squishy and he snorted while shaking his head as if appalled by my small action.

"You are a heartless, savage beast," I stated simply, gazing down tenderly at the quivering form in my palm, "look at him! He is so innocent!" I gestured my hand slightly closer to Seff to make my point of the chipmunk's adorableness as it cuddled in my palm, but he turned his lip up in disgust at the weak excuse of an animal.

I barely caught the small smirk playing on Seff's black lips, before he snarled fiercely and snapped his jaw viciously close to my little buddy, baring his set of sharp daggers. The chipmunk screamed in terror at Seff's looming, horrifying form and hurled itself off my palm and up the tree I was leaning on, successfully escaping a predator who wasn't even going to attack. Fixing my now intense glare of Seff who burst out into chokes of laughter, I lifted myself onto my feet angrily and stomped past him towards the Den where Accalia was communicating with Father.

'Oh k-kitten! Don't be s-so grumpy!' Seff thought amusingly between chortles of laughter at his immature actions. He must have thought it was hilarious to scare a poor baby chipmunk so it would have nightmares the rest of its life. No wonder animals didn't approach him, he was cruel and terrifying. I ignored his comment and continued walking towards my other family who didn't scare away my entertainment.

Air was forced out of my lungs as I was effortlessly knocked to the damp ground roughly from Seff barrelling me over. Twisting underneath him, I came face to face with his black furry features peering at me with amusement. His white eyes glittered with happiness while I scowled furiously at him.

"Get off me this instance," I seethed through clenched teeth. I did not feel like crawling uncomfortably away from his form looming over me when I knew he'd follow over top of me.

'Not until you say you love me,' Seff remarked defiantly. Growling in annoyance at his childish behaviour—which wasn't uncommon between him and Atticus—I pushed my hands on his fluffy chest in a pitiful attempt to push him off me. Huffing in annoyance, I crossed my arms over my chest that was covered by my clothing—noticing my breasts pop with cleavage I didn't know I could get—and looked away stubbornly from his teasing eyes. 'Just say it and your loving brother will leave you be...' he trailed off, looking into the distance for affect, 'even though I never get to see you anymore.' I scoffed at his little act of 'innocent brother who never gets attention' and continued to ignore him. I had all day to waste of a grounding so it didn't matter to me when he decided to move.

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