Chapter 18

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The constant tick of Brydene's sewing machine filled the flowery scented air of her home. Her gentle fingers pulled and tugged at the soft looking white fabric that slid across the flat white part of the machine, which the small needle rapidly punctured. Brows creased in concentration, she followed the path of the needle making sure every stitch in her creation was perfect and aligned flawlessly. 

Turning my attention away from Brydene's state, I pulled my knees to my chest and clasped my hands together around my shins. Sitting at the foot of my bed, I find myself gazing out the large window of their home that threw an orange-yellow hue across the room with a warm radiance.

Staring at the endless sky, the vibrant colours of blue merging into a purplish pink, before melding into an orange that kissed everything below danced across my entranced vision.

Drinking in how beautiful the setting sky looks, I couldn't help but remember the breath taking view when I had sat in the high treetops by the Den; my home.

How the breeze gave my body soft caresses as it continued on its way, gently brushing my hair until my spine tingled with the feeling.

How the air seemed as refreshing as a cool drink from a pond on a hot day that makes sweat cling to my skin.

How the sweet calls of birds and croons of animals below bidding their goodnights were soft whispers in my ears, while others awakened and left their shelters for the long night ahead.

How wonderful and free I felt sitting within the canopy, absorbing and relishing in everything around me as I gazed with awe at the setting sun and the brilliant colours splayed across the sky that would soon mask over with darkness.

I missed that feeling.

I missed my home.

Staring longingly at the mass of green vegetation inviting me to spring off this bed and venture into its tempting depths, I blew out a deep sigh and dropped my gaze to my hands lazily linked around my shins.

It would be nice to be in the forest again.

It would be nice to get away from all this excitement and run away from the constant, empty, nagging feeling embedded in the pit of my stomach that dwelled with a never ending need to be satisfied.

The feeling of something missing.

And part of it, a certain someone.

A certain someone I hadn't seen in weeks since our last anger-filled encounter at the café, nor the hunter reunion in Brydene's front yard earlier today.

It was honestly pitiful of how much I wanted to see him. How the relentless hole in me ached to feel his aura brush against mine even the slightest, and the shameful measures I'd go to get just that.

Throughout the weeks of being stuck in this dreadful house, I had gotten extremely good at throwing my senses out even farther than I ever have before, trying to find entertainment somewhere other than this area.

From following the presence of a fox scrounging the forest floor for food and pouncing on unaware mice, to experiencing and savouring the floating freeness within a falcon soaring high above Avalin, it became very clear whenever he came around.

Although I never saw him, I knew he was there.

I could only ever feel his alluring aura beckoning me to follow him whenever and wherever he was venturing in the forest.

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