Chapter 1

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Okay guys. Here's your no life of an author DarkAngel11 with a brand new story!

Yay! Whooorah!

Anyways, yeah. I wrote a new one. And don't worry. I'm NOTputting my other stories on hold for this. I just wanted to try it out.

If anyone likes it though, please comment or vote if you'd like. I actually recommend comments more so I can actually see if you like it...

And it's a humor/romance thing again. Just like WMEBF. So some of yall should like it.

If its a shitty chapter, tell me please. That way, I won't make another shittier chapter lol.

Anywho, hope you like it!!


Jenna's POV

I took a deep breath, staring at the gas station across the street. A tingling feeling rose up the arm that was resting on the water gun in my pocket. I shook it away.

This should be easy. A piece of cake. I mean, it isn't really as hard as they put it in the movies. It's simple. Just wave the fake gun around a bit, scare the helpless man behind the counter, and he gives you the money.

Simple, right?

And there shouldn't be any more problems after that since he's pretty much almost closed now. So no one should be in there. Plus, it's extremely dark.

"Okay. I got this." I assured myself as I tucked my skateboard under my arm and made my way across the dark street. "And I have to do this anyways. It's for my mom."

And it was. She's been sick in bed for months now. Her doctor said she was in a coma because of a brain tumor and in order to do surgery on her, we have to pay ten thousand dollars. That's why I have to rob this place. To help her.

I pushed open the door, hearing the jingle on top of the door as it swung to a close.

"Hey, how are you tonight?"

My head snapped up from the sudden voice and I realized it was from the counter guy. He looked around thirty.

No need to get all crazy, Jenna, I scolded myself. "Good. Thanks." I ducked my head and stepped into the aisles.

"No problem. Just to let you know, we're closing in a bit."

"I'll be quick." I nodded, looking like I was busy searching at some box of sodas. My eyes darted around the store and noticed no one was in here. Thank god. I set my board on the ground carefully.

Now was my best chance to rob the place. I slipped my hand in my pocket, feeling the handle of the water gun in my pocket.

Here I go.

Daniel's POV

I parked the car near the back door of the gas station just in case I'd have to run out from there. I left it running but switched off the headlights. Reaching for the gun in my glove compartment, I stepped out of the car and made my way around to the front doors.

Without warning, I burst through it, pointing my gun towards the cashier. His hands shot up almost immediately. But what I noticed was odd was that his eyes darted between me and something beside me. I glanced over to where he was looking to find a girl around my age holding out a gun also.

She had on a pair of holey jeans and a long sleeved yellow shirt. Her hair was carefully tucked underneath a yellow cap. I was about to speak when she did first.

"No fucking way." She said, now pointing her gun towards me. "I was here first!"

My mouth fell open at her words. Does she really think that this is a game? Playing like a childish five year old? "Forget whoever was first." I told her sternly. "I'm robbing this place whether you like it or not."

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