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*Jocelyn's Pov*

The morning after what had happened between, Zayn and Tristan came with my stress level going to the roof. I've called him, text, emailed, and left hundreds of voicemails, yet I come up to a dead end with everything.

All I'm trying to do is see if he's okay, and that he's safe wherever he is, he doesn't know his way around California and where the school isn't the safest place to be. I know he could probably take care of himself, seeing as he has a punch but if he gets jumped by more than one person he's a goner.

School literally starts in two days and my mind has been everywhere besides focusing on it, I need to find Zayn before I end up having a anxiety attack. I shouldn't worry about him because the stuff he put me through in the past but there's little gut wrenching feeling in me saying I need to find him.

My thoughts are cut loose when my phone starts to vibrate quite loudly, on bed side table in the corner I rush over to it hoping to see Zayn's name but my chest drops when I see Louis' name flash across it.

"What Louis?" I grumble huffing out

"Woah, what did I do to you? Never mind I've done plenty of shit to you," he corrects himself I let out a laugh

"You're fine, Lou but why are you calling me?" I asks he sighs

"Have you've seen Zayn today?" he ask I pull my eyebrows together

"No, I've been calling and texting all day but every since last night he hasn't contacted me." I explain I hear him curse under his breath on the other line

"He was suppose to tell you something, yesterday but didn't because of your boyfriend, and today I told him to go see you to tell you, bloody bastard actually ran." he angrily mutters the last part

"Louis you're not making any sense what do you mean he was going to tell me? And why is he a bloody bastard? And why did he run?" I ramble off questions he huffs

"Jocelyn, you have to keep an open mind about this okay?" he states causing me to be more confused

"What the hell are you on about Lou?" I asks

"Look, Jocelyn when high school started when they had the beginning of the year dance?" he ask I nod before realizing he can't see me

"Yeah, but what does this have to do with why Zayn ran?" I asks

"That night at the dance Zayn asked you to dance, and you turned him down remember?" he states I mutter a small 'yes' before continues "Zayn was crushed because he had the biggest crush on you since middle school, and he finally had the guts to ask you out but you refused to go with him." he starts bits of pieces come back to me

"But that doesn't help me know why he came here then left." I grumble getting irritated

"Let me explain the whole story, you impatient grasshopper." he sassed I shake my head "Anyways, that night after you turned him down was also the day he vowed to start bullying you at first it was just to get your attention with the name calling but then your attention that he wanted he didn't get. He realized you were just ignoring him more so he started with the shoving and the other stuff." he mutters the last sentence

"What I'm trying to say is that Zayn has been head over heels for you since the first day of freshman year, and he just got more pissed at himself because he thought he wasn't good enough for you, so he made you feel like you weren't good enough for anything either." he breathes out I let all this sink in "Jocelyn the boy loves you, and he knows you'll never see him the way he sees you." he finishes

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