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"Jocelyn's POV*

It's been a few days since the attemped, and I haven't been bothered. Well, Liam and Niall and Stevee and Calum comes by all the time to check in but when I mean bothered I mean by Zayn or the other two. I have to go to school tomorrow since it is Monday, but I am dreading it. Liam said he will be there for me, so did Niall which I appreciate but I am getting tired of other people defending me.

So, the past few days I have been at home I started running, and exercing more. My dad had a little gym thing down in the basement, so I go down there everyday for a few hours lifting weights, practicing my punch with the dummies down there as well as the punching bag. I am very boney, I mean who wouldn't when you don't eat half of the time or not at all? I began eating more often to put some meat on my bones, so when someone does hit me it won't break as easily.

Today, I am going to go run for a while to cool off and release any negative thoughts. I don't want to go in tomorrow looking like something happened, I want to show people who I really am. I still feel very weak around other people, but I am going to change that so I don't look like a weakling.

As I lace up my Nike's I grab my phone, keys, and tazer. Yes, I carry a tazer I do live in the big ole bad Bradford. Right, when I open the door I come face to face with the devil himself Zayn fucking Malik.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I growl at him his smile fades a little

"I am going to run with you." he states I laugh

"No you're not." I scoff shutting the door walking down my steps

"Yes, I am. I told you I was going to change your mind about me, and help you heal. And that is what I am doing." he says walking up behind me

"I don't want your help, and I don't want you to change my mind. I know who you are, you're a ego headed ass-hole who thinks it's cool to make everyone around him feel worthless. So, do me a fucking favor and stay away from me!" I say starting run in the other direction

Soon after I start to run, I hear feet coming up behind me. I turn to see Zayn with a stupid smirk on his face jogging up behind me. I groan pushing my feet to go faster, but he finds his way right beside me.

"God, can you not hear? I do not want you around me fucker." I say through gritted teeth

"Well, I don't give a damn so I will run with you and help you with anything. I plan on showing that to by the way, I used to be a very nice guy you know?" he says

"You a nice guy?" I laugh " Honey, you as a nice person is something I can not see. Maybe when you were born or toddler but this whatever you are isn't someone I peg to be nice." I wave my hand around dramatically

"Look, I am trying here so can we move past the insults?" he groans I look at him in disbelief

"Move past the insults?" I asked eyebrow raised with my arm crossed he nods "Zayn, you never moved past the insults and the beatings so don't you fucking dare tell me too. I have had it up to here with you, and I am not going to take anymore shit from you! Matter of fact I have every right to insult you and abuse you for what you have done to me." I spit at him running back on trail

Is he really that stupid to think he can tell me to stop the insults but he could to me? I swear that boys elevator doesn't go to the top, and to think he actually has AP classes. I run for a good while til' I feel as if someone is following me but when I turn around no one is there. Great, now I have that paranoid feeling again.

It's starting late so I turned to head back towards my house and when I get there the one and only Zayn Malik sits on the steps of my house with his head in his hands. Fucking great, why the hell is he here and why does he keep coming around? He must've heard me come up cause he looks up with guiltly glint inn his eyes.

"Before you say anything, I am sorry for what I said earlier. You are right I deserve all the insults and abuse that you give me. When I said that I regretted them right after, so please just let me help you and be here for you." he says looking at me our bodies are so close I don't know whether to back away or push him

"Zayn, you need to know it's not going to be easy. I am not going to just forgive you cause you said sorry, you have done the unspeakable to me. I don't even know if I will ever forgive you." I say taking a step back I look up to see him nodding

"No, matter what I am going to change your mind, so I can see that beautiful smile I always want to see." he says the side of his mouth lifts up into a small grin

Did he just flirt?

"Whatever but I-" I get cut off when someone opens the door of my house

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Stevee's voice shouts

"He was just leaving, right Zayn?" I say he nods

"Well, I don't care if he was fixing to leave I don't your pathetic souless ass around here! Next time I see you around my sister I will cut your balls off and tie you by your feet upside down just so I can shove your tiny mouse balls down your fucking throat." Stevee growls getting in his face he looks shocked me on the other hand is trying not to laugh

"Yeah, okay I am leaving now. Jocelyn see you tomorrow." Zayn says waving awkwardly walking away

I look back at Stevee with a hard face on, but I burst out laughing and she does the same not long after.

"He looked petrified." I laugh and nod

"He did, but why you gotta such naughty words?" I ask as we walk in

"Just letting him get the memo." she shrugs

My best friend everybody, future pshycopath-comedian.


a/n so it's been a few days I hope you like this chapter as much as I loved writing it.
Stevee is a bit aggressive aye? HAHAHA hope you had a laugh or two.




laterrr nerdddss

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