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*Zayn's Pov*

You're missing out steveelee123

All the things the guys and I have done to Jocelyn isn't intentional, I told I was going to stop but when everyone started to figure out I wasn't hurting her anymore they were coming at me, giving me insults and shit. I know that sounds stupid and pathetic but its true I can't stand the fact of someone beating up on me, so I take it out on other people so I won't look like a pansy.

Do I like hurting her? No. Will I stop? No. I can't I don't want to look like some stupid bloke who lets people run over me and don't think twice about it. I want to be the good guy, be the one who helps Jocelyn back to life but in the process I was losing my title of being the bad boy, and not taking shit from people.

A few days before I went back to abusing Jocelyn, some jock came by and shoved me into a locker calling me a pussy for not being a man. That was something, I don't want to here I hear it at home from my father I don't want to hear from anyone else's mouth. That jock got his ass kicked afterwards though, and I hoping he got the message of me being an man.

Prom. Prom is tomorrow, yes I am going just because the guys don't have dates either so we all are just going since it is our senior year and we just want to see who all actually shows up. Plus, our parents are basically forcing us to go, saying its something special for the books when you grow older but I honestly could give a shit less.

"So, mate when I are we going to stop torturing Jocelyn?" Louis asks biting his nails

"I-uh I don't know mate, we have a week left til' graduation so I guess til' we are all out of here. Then maybe we can get her to forgive us?" I asks more than state

"Forgive us?! You think after when we promised her we would stop that she will actually fucking forgive us?! No, she won't we hurt her too much for her to talk to us, let alone forgive us." Harry raises his voice

"I know mate, but we can just abuse her with words instead physically?" I asks

"We shouldn't be doing it at all." he mutters under his breath

"Well, then you don't but I am not going to be tormented because I won't pick on a few people." I huff

"So, you're saying you're scared of what other people think about you?" he laughs dryly "What about how Jocelyn feels? To go to school everyday to be insulted and abused by people whom she never done a thing to?" He states

"I'm not scared. Just irritated about it." I groan " And if you don't like doing it then stop, no-one told you to do it anyways." I tell him

"Need I remind you, that you told us if we didn't go along with you, you would make our lives living hell til' the day we left this place?! Look, you know what I thought we were mates we've been best friends since diapers but if you're going to threaten our lives and friendship then there won't be one. But, I am not sticking with you as you beat the hell out of a girl who never done anything to you nor us." He states

'You're wrong Harry, she did do something to me. But, no-one knows about it.'

"Whatever go ahead I don't care, leave. Fucking leave." I say

"Wow." is all he says as he shakes his head starting to walk away

He's right though, I shouldn't do that to Jocelyn and maybe it would be okay to let other people tell me that I am something I'm not. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that he or should I say just ended life time friendship, because he wouldn't beat up a girl.

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