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*Joeclyn's Pov*

Once we arrived at the hotel where the Prom is being held, I look at it with amazement. Chandeliers in the lobby, all down every hall way I can just imagine what the inside where the Prom is actually at. Niall grasps my hand in his as we make our way towards the photo-booth they have right before you walk in. I try my best to get out of taking pictures but him and Liam tug on my arm lightly as we get to the ticket station.

As we reach the front of the line, I see one of the jocks who sits back and watches while the others abuse me taking tickets. He looks up with wide eyes as they land on me, I shift slightly under his stares til' Liam clears his throat.

"Jocelyn? Is that you?" he asks shocked I nod

"Y-yeah, Hunter r-right?" I stutter he nods smiling

"You look really..good, beautiful even." he says blushing I look down smiling

"Thank you, why aren't you in there?" I say pointing into the big ball room behind him he shakes his head

"Prom isn't my thing, but Principle Ikner said if I didn't attend then I would be pulled of the football team." he huffs I giggle at his expression

"Well, I'm glad you came because we need you for the game Tuesday night." I offer him a smile he sends one back

"Thank you, Jocelyn. I'm also sorry for not doing anything when you were getting hurt. I'll try to get Colton to back off?" he offers I nod

"Its okay." I say as Niall and the others make our way to the photo station where there is a photographer  waiting

"Who's first?" he asks looking between Niall and I and Liam and Sophia

"We will." Liam speaks up as they get into a stance

Its been a while since I've Liam's face light up like it does when he's with Sophia, the last time he was like that is when he dated this girl named Danielle. She made him happy, so happy that he vowed to marry her when school ended but he never got to because after two years of dating she ended up moving to the states for her fathers job.

That day Liam was crushed and wouldn't leave his room for two weeks, Niall and I had to drag him to school of our Junior year because he hated everything after she left. I mean no-one liked that she left, I mean she was like another sister to me but times like those you have to learn to let go. I miss her, and I know Liam does too but maybe one day we will all run into each other.

"Hey, its our turn." Niall pulls me to the background as he wraps his arms around my waist form behind he smiles down at me as I look up at him when the flash goes off

The next one we smile directly at the camera, after that he turns me towards me as he dips me back causing me to giggle while he just smiles at me adoringly.

"Funny face." he mummers has he crosses his eyes while sticking his tongue out I make a fish face while throwing up an 'OK' sign as the flash goes off

"Okay, one more Niall pick her up bridal style." Sophia calls smiling widely I shake my head but I'm too late as my feet are picked off the floor

"Smile!" the photographer shouts I giggle as he takes the picture then Niall sets me down softly

"Now, c'mon its party time." Niall says wrapping his arm around my waist guiding me into the ballroom

When we walk in I feel like everyone is staring, but I try to brush it off as Niall takes me towards an open table with no-one there. I look around at the room seeing more chandeliers shining above us, but soon my eyes fall on a certain someone who already staring at me.

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