Chapter 5

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Fizzy showed me to her room and it was very cute. I sat on her bed and rubbed my pregnant belly and she smiled looking at my stomach.

"I can't believe Louis is having a baby..." She laughed and I laughed also. "It's amazing... Even if it's a surprise."

She sat next to me.

"Are you scared?" She asked. I looked at my stomach shyly.

"Yeah, I am." I nodded.

"Don't be. The family accepts you. Especially me!" She said and we both laughed. "I know you're not getting married but you can consider us sister now, alright?" Fizzy offered.

"Sure." I smiled. I warmed at the fact I was so welcome. It made me extremely happy.

"Louis!" We heard Jay call out from downstairs. Fizzy rolled her eyes.

"The rockstar is home." Fizzy said and I stood up and walked out.

"Are you guys ready for the show tonight?" I heard Louis say.

"Yes, and Briana is already-"

"Hi Louis." I said at the top of his staircase. Louis looked at me with his lips parted, everyone stared. I felt like I had the scarlet letter printed on my forehead. I slowly walked downstairs and stood in front of him. Louis was stand-offish. Although I carried his child he still seemed to not be used to all of this.

"Hey Briana." He finally answered. There was another silence and then finally Fizzy thawed the ice.

"Alright! Let's go we better be early!" Fizzy smiled. We all got in the car, Louis sat next to me as we went to the O2.

"You ok?" I whispered in the black truck.

"I'm fine, I just can't believe you're pregnant. And I'm the father." Louis said. He had no idea there was a chance Harry could be the father.

"You are. This is our baby." I smiled and held Louis' hand. He pierced his lips together then kissed my cheek softly and looked forward in the car. I frowned at him, he didn't love me. And to be honest I didn't love him, I didn't know him! Yet here I was having his child.

We got to the arena and I sat backstage with Fizzy and the family. Louis was no where to be seen, he was probably off somewhere warming up.

"You can't see anything from back here. Why don't I take you in the crowd so you can really see how cool Louis' shows are?" Fizzy asked.

"Be Careful Fiz, you're going to have to bring a security guard." Jay warned.

"That's fine we will get one. Come on Bri, the shows about to start." Fizzy smiled

"Wasn't it supposed to start about an hour ago?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"They're always late." Fizzy laughed and took my hand helping me stand up. I walked with Fizzy and retrieved a guard to come to the side of the stage with us. Two guards were around us.

I looked up at the huge stage and the crowd around us. It was crazy, thousands of people were all together dancing to music that the venue played for them, anticipating for the show to begin. Girls fixed their signs that were falling apart, called each other from other sides of the stadium to wave to each other and began waves along the stadium. The energy was amazing, and then finally the lights went down and the screams were crazy!

 The energy was amazing, and then finally the lights went down and the screams were crazy!

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