Chapter 2

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I came home and my cousin Ashley was in my kitchen hung over.

"Who were you with last night?" Ashley asked as she drank some tea.

"Harry, this time. It was amazing. He said now he understood why Louis said I was good." I smiled while blushing. I sat next to Ashley at the kitchen island. "Who did you accompany?"

"Jaden Smith. How old is he anyway?" Ashley asked. I glared at her.

"Younger than you." I said coldly and then picked up a magazine to read off the counter.

"Oh whatever. What was it like being with Harry? It was your first time with him right?" Ashley asked.

"It was, and it was great. Almost perfect." I smiled.

"Almost? What was the downside?" She asked.

"He didn't have a rubber." I sighed.

"Gosh. That's rough." She shook her head.

"I know. I know I'm on the pill but-- you know the pill doesn't guarantee full protection." I sighed.

"Let's hope for the best then." She said. "Tea?"

"Thanks." I smiled as she got a nearby empty mug and poured tea.


About three months went by and I slept with Louis and Harry multiple times. Sometimes even at the same time. They were intoxicated by me, and always flew in to LA to see me. I even slept with Niall. The only one I didn't sleep with was Liam.

Eventually things began to go downhill. I was at Louis' hotel and suddenly there was a knock on the door. I got up, put on a robe, and walked to the door.

When I opened it, Louis' girlfriend, Eleanor stood there.

I stood there silent as she looked at me with her arms crossed

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I stood there silent as she looked at me with her arms crossed.

"I guess you know who I am." Eleanor said coldly as she looked at me with disgust. "But which girl are you that's pushing her fanny onto my Louis?"

"Eleanor, you need to understand--" Louis said from the bed. He was nude and the sheets covered his lower half as he sat up in the bed.

"Understand what!?!" Eleanor screamed pushing past me and walking to Louis. "That you're a liar!?! Or a cheat!?!"

Louis looked at her with a blank face.

"I can't handle seeing you in the paper with other women! And you never coming to see me! And when I call you and tell you I want to come over you're all of a sudden to busy writing! Or getting inspiration! Is this you're fucking inspiration!?!" Eleanor screamed.

"I can't handle seeing you in the paper with other women! And you never coming to see me! And when I call you and tell you I want to come over you're all of a sudden to busy writing! Or getting inspiration! Is this you're fucking inspiration!?!" E...

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"I'm sorry..." Louis said slowly.

"You're sorry, you're sorry, you're always sorry!" Eleanor screamed taking a pillow from behind Louis and hitting him with it.

"Hey leave him alone!" I said rushing towards her and she turned around and smacked me with the pillow.

"Bitch!" Eleanor screamed and threw the pillow on the ground and stormed out. I cried as I sat next to Louis. I went in for a hug but he pushed past me, threw on his boxers and ran into the hall only in his underwear after Eleanor.

I cried and suddenly my stomach began to twirl. I began to get nauseous  and ran to the bathroom. I got sick in the toilet and sighed as I went to the sink to wash out my mouth.

"I never knew I vomit when I get nervous." I sighed and walked to my bed and laid down and cry.

I got sick to other times that day, and I was certain I had a stomach virus. But things got strange as time went on.

"What do you want?" Ashley asked as we sat in the car at the McDonald's drive thru.

"Can I have two large fries, one Big Mac and one large Coke?" I shouted at the microphone. Ashley stared at me with widened eyes.

"Is that for you or a village?" Ashley asked we drove to the next window.

"I'm just a little hungry. That's all." I smiled and sat back in the car seat.

"Or..." Ashley began and I looked at her. She didn't finish her sentence, she just pretended like she didn't say anything and paid for the food.

After a about a week of morning sickness and eating enough for a whole Thanksgiving feast, my cousin Ashley finally sat me down.

"Briana, you are so dumb." She said bluntly.

"What did I do now?" I asked.

"It's not what you did, it's what you didn't do. Do you and the boys always use rubbers when you fuck?" Ashley asked.

"Of co-- no." I said and crossed my arms. "But I'm on birth control so I'm fine, I'm definitely not what you think I am." I defended myself.

"And how can you know for sure? Birth control doesn't always work. Did you do the test?" Ashley asked.

"Oh come on Ashley, don't be foolish. I'm not pregnant!" I smiled.

"Well I bought you these." Ashley said taking two pregnancy tests out of her bag. "Now finish up your drink because one way or another you're going to use them."

I looked at her and took the boxes. Eventually we both looked at the tests that sat on the coffee table of my living room. It had to be the longest two minutes of my life. One pregnancy test finished, and a plus sign formed on the window.

"See?" Ashley asked.

"That's the first one. Even the pregnancy tests aren't 100%." I reminded her. A while later, the second one formed a plus also.

 A while later, the second one formed a plus also

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"Oh my gosh..." I sighed. "I'm pregnant."

"Yes you are, but I knew that. The question is who is the father?" Ashley asked and I went pale at the question.

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