Ch 24. Friend?

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-Keaton's P.O.V-

It has been one weeks since I had been released from the hospital. I still didn't remember anything, the guys had shown me the videos from when we auditioned for the X-Factor. I had decided to watch some of the interviews that we have had before we where kidnapped. I had noticed that we never mentioned Alex. Did we meet her while we where kidnapped? I had so many questions to ask.

"Are you ok Keaton?"

I turned around. I raised my eyebrow, "who's Keaton?"

Her smile turned upside down. She didn't move.

"I'm kidding!" I told her. I stood up from the couch and walked next to her.

"You scared me!" She playfully punched me on the shoulder. "Don't ever scare me like that again." She whispered softly.

"I'll try." I whispered back. "How did I meet you?" I looked at her, her brown eyes seemed so familiar but I just didn't remember.

"Well we met in the back of a white van." Alex stated awkwardly, she looked around trying to avoid eye contact.

"Really?" I laughed as I leaned against the wall.

"Yes" She smiled and let out a small laugh. She pushed her brown hair back. "and we didn't get a long so well at first."

"You have to be lying." I told her. She has to be. "you're like a sister to me." I regretted saying those words as I saw her smile fade away.

"I'm not, I swear." She said. "and I kept falling on top of you."

"I bet you wanted me...or either you're just clumsy." I said, I was just trying to make laugh or something.

"That's what you said that day." She started walking out the door and sat on the stairs.

I followed her outside and sat next to her. "Then what happened." I asked.

She told me what else had happened. I could tell she wasnt telling me everything. She hiding something.

-Wesley's P.O.V-

I was about to look for Keaton and Alex when I saw someone coming towards me, Drew and Alexis. It was Lauren, the girl Keaton had fallen for before he met Alex. "This isn't gonna be good." I whispered.

"What?" Drew said as he looked up to see Lauren. "Oh no."

"What's happening??" Alexis asked. She didn't know about Lauren and Keaton, we hadn't had time to tell her or Alex.

"I'll tell you later." I responded. "Hey Lauren!" I stood up from where I was sitting and gave her a hug. "What are you up to?"

"Oh I just came to visit Keaton," She started to say. "how's he doing?"

"He's ok. He still doesn't remember anything tho." I told her.

"Is he here?" She looked around. she spotted Alexis and waved at her.

"He's inside somewhere ...or either in the backyard." I really had no clue if he was even home. I'm a horrible brother I thought.

"I'll look for him then if its ok with you guys." Lauren said.

"Yea go ahead." I moved outta the way to let her go look for Keaton. This is going to turn out bad I though.

~Alex's P.O.V~

Me and Keaton just kept talking until a girl appeared behind him. I had no clue who she was but I somehow seen her before. Maybe on TV? The X-Factor....

Keaton turned around and looked at her. "Lauren? Is that you?"

I was mad not mad wait I was mad and jealous that he remembered her and not me!!

"Yes! Who else could it be." She gave him a huge smile then hugged him. She looked at me. "Hi"

"Hey." I faked a smile and waved my arm.

"Oh that's Alex my friend." He told Lauren.

"I should probably leave you two alone." I stood up really fast and ran inside the house. First he called me his sister and now his friend!! I guess that's what I'll ever be to him. I walked over to where Alexis, Drew and Wesley where.

Wesley and Drew where arm wrestling each other. Alexis was cheering at Drew. They had started dating a few days ago, I gotta admit they where cute together.

"Go Wes! You can beat Drew!" I cheered him on. Even tho I seemed ok I was actually falling a part.

Drew won after a few minutes. He jumped up from his seat, he started punching the air and dancing.

"You'll beat him one day." I told Wesley.

"Thanks.." He trailed off for a second. "or maybe today! Drew! Rematch now!"

I rolled my eyes at him, well boys gotta be boys. "Beat him Wesley! Go Wes!"

----Hours Later----

We where playing hide and seek in the dark. I know its a game for little children but who cares. We had lost control of ourselves by the way.

We all walked inside and just collapsed on the couch. We where exhausted!

"Well I have to go guys. My mum is probably freaking out by now." I managed to get myself up from the couch. "Bye!"

"Bye!" Alexis said.

"See you tomorrow!" Wesley and Drew said.

Keaton didn't say anything. :(

I opened the door then shut it behind me. The warm air hit my face as I stepped outside. I heard the door open quietly behind me. I took my phone out and looked at the time.

"Its 11:11 make a wish." Keaton said as he peered over my shoulder.

"11:11 wishes don't come true." I told him as I started walking down the steps. I turned around and waved goodbye to him,"because if they did I'll already have you." I whispered.


I'm soooo sorry I took forever to update! I had to study for exams and stuff but now its summer!!!! Are you guys still in school? oh ill try to update the next chapter soon!! Sorry if the chapter sucked :/

Kidnapped with E3 (Keaton Stromberg Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now