My Accidental NFL Boyfriend

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            I remember the first time Caleb and I had met in primary school. The first day of kindergarten our mothers had thrown us together in a room before class started so we would know at least one person. I had been playing with building blocks when he had came over, and his pudgy little hand grabbed the castle I was working on for my Barbie and threw it to the floor. Even at a young age, he had made a lasting impression on people by destroying things people loved. He was doing the same thing he had been doing 18 years ago now, by totally vaporizing any last love for mother. I felt like crawling in a hole and burying myself alive in the middle of nowhere so Caleb could never find me. I had harbored my hate for them for so long now and it was all leaking out at once.

            Caleb looks from me back to Carly, and then stares at the ground shifting his feet uncomfortably. I stare straight at the stranger in front of me.

            “What’s your name?”

            “Jayla,” I respond sweetly, pursing my lips as I see her eyebrows rise. She and I could play a silent war quite easily, that was both our strong suits.

            “I once had a bitch—I mean dog named that,” Carly responds, “it was a really disobedient dog. I had to put it down at a young age.”
            “Really, what a shame, may that dog rest in peace.”

            “I wish it would.”

            “So, Caleb, why did you bring me to meet this lovely lady?”

            Caleb looks up to me, alarm etched on his face. He was always a culprit in my mother and I’s arguments, and every single time he struggled on what to do.

            “Um,” he starts, but Carly cuts him off.

            “She’s kind of rude,” she says, “Are you dating her? I think you could do so much better.”

            I smile wider, “I pride myself on my personality, I think it’s from my fabulous heredity. My mother was quite the bitch.”

            “Was she?” Carly forces a bright smile, “what a shame.”

            I couldn’t take it anymore.

            “Yeah, it’s a shame that same bitch is standing in front of me right now.”

            “Are you sick? I said I didn’t have a daughter.” I slam on the screen door, making it shake.

            “Enough with your games. I was forced here by Caleb to try to reunite with you, but obviously that isn’t going to happen.”

            “It’s not going to happen because you are following that horrendous career. Why couldn’t you be successful like Caleb?”

            “Sorry MOTHER, I’m sorry I disappointed you.” I pour as much sarcasm as I can in my words before I turn on my heel and walk off. I wasn’t going to Caleb’s car, oh no. I was going to walk all the way back home. I didn’t care. I would get a taxi and use Caleb’s credit card for it. (If only I knew it) I just knew I wasn’t going back with Caleb. I was going back on my own, to where I used to be before that horrible night in the club.

            Before I knew it, I had whipped my phone out and I was dialing Kelsey.

            “Hello?” she slurs on the other line.

            “Kelsey, come pick me up.”

            “JAY?! OH MY GOD, VIV, IT’S JAY! SHE ISN’T DEAD! SHE WASN’T FORCED INTO PROSTITUION.” I hear her crying on the other line, “do you know how worried we were? We haven’t heard from you, your apartment is empty, and you didn’t call! We almost signed you up for missing but you are over 18!”

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