A little to close for comfort?

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3rd person pov

Zayn didn't know how to feel after his encounter with Mr. Payne. I mean he knew how he felt about it, he really felt something, but he didn't want to admit it to himself he was gay. He definitely wasn't a baby or a girl and he certainly didn't need anyone taking care of him, he's been doing that for himself for a long time now, which he did have to admit he was getting pretty tired of.

Zayn hated that his parents were never around all he wanted was a mothers love and fatherly advice, hell he just wanted someone there but there never was and he had gotten used to it.

After arriving home to an empty house something felt different, it seemed colder he didn't understand why though? He was so used to coming home alone, why was today any different? Zayn shook his head at himself, and took off upstairs doing his usual routine.

shower, put on sweats, make dinner for himself, and eat at the table by himself, watch some tv, read his favorite book again for the thousandth time, and finally setting his alarm to wake himself up to in the morning. Since there would be no one else to do it, and laying down dreading the day ahead.

He definitely wasn't ready to face Mr. Payne after everything that happened, but he knew he would have to grow some balls and face his problems like he's been doing for years now.

Zayn woke up late again, sighing to himself and getting up to get dressed, clad in black skinnys a white Vneck his signature leather jacket and some plain black combat boots.

If Zayn was honest he didn't even like dressing the way he did, he would much rather be wearing a large sweater and one of his many lovely flower crowns that he loves, but he knew he couldn't risk it. Looking longingly at his closet Zayn finally started making his way to school, skipping breakfast as he didn't have much of an appetite in the morning.


When Zayn arrived at school, he immediately got stares and heard the usual whispering about him that wasn't so subtle, ignoring it and walking to the lockers he wasn't so into glaring at people and making a scene with teachers today. Honestly it was exhausting and he didn't want to do it anymore, but he just had to last the rest of the year with his bad boy persona then he could be who he wanted, and not be worried about being bullied, and wear what he wanted.


Zayn was nervous to say the least about walking into Mr. Payne's class he didn't know if he could face him, but in the end he knew he had to.

"Ah Mr. Malik, on time for once I see." Liam announced making the class snicker, The broody teacher shushed them with a smirk on his face not taking his eyes off Zayn.

Zayn didn't really have the energy to reply and quietly walked to his seat sitting down, waiting for Mr. Payne to start teaching again before laying his head down on his desk, letting Liam's deep voice lull him to sleep not noticing the worried glances Liam kept giving him through class.

When class was finally over, and the bell rang everyone gathered their stuff and headed out while Zayn slowly rose his head noticing everyone leaving, and started packing up his stuff too, but before he could even make it to the door of course Liam's voice stopped him.

"Zayn may I have a word with you?" Zayn turned around, half expecting something like this to happen. "Yes sir?" Zayn spoke in a quiet voice.

"Please close the door and take a seat, I'd like to talk to you." Zayn nodded at the older man, and silently followed orders. After a quiet minute Liam finally spoke. "Are you okay, you seem a bit off?" Liam spoke calmly, his sweet voice laced with concern. Zayn looked up into his teachers eyes only nodding silently, he didn't really know what was wrong with him today it's like something sucked the life out of him, and it made him feel strange, maybe years of putting up this bad boy persona were finally taking a toll on him.

Liam frowned he didn't like that his babygirl wasn't talking to him. "Look baby I'm sorry about yesterday, I'm sorry I kinda jumped you, but fuck you don't know how much I want you." Liam had moved closer now his hand under Zayn's chin making sure their eyes were locked together.

"You don't know how much I want to fuck you, cuddle you, protect you I want you to be mine princess, I want to be your daddy." Liam stated, smirking at Zayn's small squeaks that were heard when he mentioned being his "daddy."

"So babygirl do you want that? Do you want me to be your daddy? Hmm?"

Zayn didn't know what to think, his mind was all fuzzy, but in all honesty it sounded really good to be taken care of for once, he's been alone for a long time now, but on the other hand this relationship or whatever it was is illegal, but at the moment he didn't care he wanted to be Liam's he wanted to be the one taken care of for once.

"You'll take care of me?" Zayn whispered, Liam chuckled lightly. "Yeah baby I'll take care of you, treat you like you deserve to be, like a princess, doesn't that sound good?" Zayn nodded. Replying with a quiet 'yes' because honestly that sounded like the best thing ever. Liam chuckled lightly. "Yes what baby?" Zayn blushed at his words before replying.


And at his own words Zayn felt something he hasn't felt in a long time...warm inside.


Well well well two chapters in a span of two days! y'all should be proud of me! Anyways I hope you guys liked chappie two, and please stay tuned for next chapter!


P.s edited

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