Chapter 11

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Dan's P.O.V.

I woke up, my head pounding like it was repeatedly being hit with a rock. My eyes squeezed shut at the sudden light shining through my windows, my bed was messier than usual, an indication someone had been there. I knew it was Devon, after she left I went back to sleep, trying to cure the killer hangover with sleep, hoping everything before had been just a dream of some sort, a nightmare in which I was a terrible person. Devon couldn't have possibly been in the bed with me...

But everything that happened last night was completely real, the drinks, the girls, I noticed the small mouth shaped bruise on her neck before she left, hiding in shame, hoping she never noticed, hoping maybe it was nothing more than a scratch, something she's obtained before she made it into my room, but no, it was all me, everything had been done by me, she was supposed to be my daughter, how could I be such a terrible father.

A sigh escaped my lips as I got up, entering the living room where Phil was in the chair waiting, probably for me to wake up, Devon and Veronica were in the living room, but left as soon as I sat down. They must've noticed, they had to have noticed by now, the guilt was slowly dissolving my insides, slowly tearing me apart as Phil's gaze finally softened, a look of betrayal and disappointment crossed his face as our eyes met.

"How could you?" He asked, my eyes filled with tears almost immediately, I was so ashamed of everything that happened, even though I couldn't remember.

"These girls trusted you, Dan. What did you even do to her?" I shrugged, Phil's expression changed to one of anger.

"HOW COULD YOU NOT REMEMBER?!" Phil shouted, there was the sound of a door shutting, probably the girl's, terrified of the screaming that was happening, a sign that Phil was angry, he never yelled at me, this was different for me.

"Phil I-I'm sorry okay. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't realize how bad of a father I was being." the tears flowing down my cheeks, burning like how it is when you've been crying for a long time to where your skin is aggravated. I realized I had been crying before now, I try to take Phil's hands in my hands but he pulled them away roughly, as if touching me would result in some kind of wound. I immediately felt my heart burst in my chest, as it had once before, but that's a story for another time. I felt like death itself was slowly consuming me in the pain of heartbreak, his eyes filled with hatred, like I killed our daughters or maybe his parents (like batman. Yep I went there). With this guilt building up inside me it felt like it was eating me alive. I could've died right then and there, and Phil would've probably been ok with it. To know that a danger like me would no longer be around our daughters anymore.

He stood there glaring at me with his piercing eyes, like he was shooting daggers into my heart as we stood there, silence filling in the room. I look down at the floor defeated ready to give up, when the girls walked in. Phil doesn't divert his attention away from me, and his eyes still stabbing me in the heart. He just walks away, leaving me and the girls in a painful silence, no idea how to respond or apologize I look down until I know he's gone. The girls looked over at me with a sympathetic look in their eyes.

"I'm truly sorry...I hope you know that. You don't have to believe it, but just know I mean it." I said not hardly turning their way. I went to walk away from the situation completely to avoid contact altogether, but the girls moved in front of me to stop me from moving any further.

"Dan, we forgive you. Promise." they said with a smile trying to make me feel better, but it isn't working. What I did to Devon, is honestly so unforgivable.

"Thanks..." I said disappointedly twiddling my thumbs. I looked up at Devon with tears still in my eyes. As if someone had just turned on a faucet in my heart and the water is overflowing through my eyes. Devon took my hands in hers, shocked I looked up at her face. She is so innocent and can still feel the guilt eating me alive.

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