Chapter 9

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Phil's POV:

I kissed Dan on the cheek and headed off to get the girls. "wow" I thought to myself. "Dan and I are together...we are actually a couple" I smiled at the thought and apparently I was blushing because when I walked in the room of the girl's they had big smiles on their faces and looked like they were about to burst out with excitement.

"what?" I said looking as natural as I could at the girls.

"Well?" they said looking expectedly at me.

"Well what?"

"Oh Phil! You know exactly what we're talking about!"

"No, I don't..." I said, even though I knew exactly what they were talking about.

"Ugh, well, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way" Devon said as I heard the door shut behind me. Vernie was standing there with a devilish grin on her face.

"W-what are you guys do-" I was cut off by Devon grabbing my legs and her yelling "I've got his legs! Now go!" Then Vernie started tickling me. Of course, my one true weakness.

I started to squirm around trying to break free, I was laughing uncontrollably.

"No, no, stoooop no!" I said laughing. At this point I was crying I was laughing so hard.

"Not until you tell us!" Vernie said, still tickling.

"O-o-Ok, ok ok ok! I'll tell you!" I said giving up.

They stopped but Devon was still wrapped around my legs. I didn't quite mind though. I sat down on the bed, as they listened intensely.

"Well, were you watching the liveshow?" I said looking at both of them.

They both nodded.

"Well then, what do you think? I mean, I have a pretty good idea of what you guys think because, yes, I did hear your "squeeeeeeeeee." I said giving them a smirk. Now their faces were red from embarrassment but was soon replaced with a gleeful jumping up and down.

"OMG SO IT IS TRUE!!" the girls said still jumping up and down.

"Yep, it is" I said smiling.

They then tackled me in a huge hug, full of laughter and delight

Devon said "Awww, our little Philly is growing up."

"Haha, very funny" I said looking at her a little annoyed but not in a mean way.

"Hey, Phil! Pizza's here!" Dan said shouting at us from down the hall.

"K be there in a second!" I shouted back

"Come on guys, now, don't say anything because Dan wants to tell you himself, ok?" I said making sure they understood.

"Yeah totally!" they said smiling while heading down the hall for some pizza.

~In the Living room~

"So, Devon, Vernie. What are you guys into? Like, music, and social media, stuff like that." Dan said trying to make conversation.

"Well..." Vernie said thinking as she took a bite of her pizza.

"I'm not that big on social media. But I have Wattpad and Snapchat, and Facebook and Tumblr." Vernie said looking over at Dan across from her at the table.

"Ah, Snapchat. You know, everyone has been bugging us for quite awhile for us to get a snapchat...I don't know if we should or not though." Dan then smiled and laughed a little. "And oh, the joys of Wattpad, all the smut and fanfiction, can't get enough of it actually." he said glancing at Phil.

Devon and Vernie noticed that Dan was now pulling a "heart eyes howell". Phil then looked up from his plate and looked over at the day dreaming Dan that was giving him loving eyes. They both kept like that for a moment, before realizing that they weren't alone at the moment like usual.

Dan sighed then said "So how about you, Devon?"

She looked up at him at the sound of her name "" she said a little bashfully. "well, the usual..I have a Wattpad, to read phanfictions, a Tumblr for when I'm bored, a Facebook for when there is literally NOTHING else to see on the internet, and Snapchat, but that's mostly because of Vernie, and tbh I only have twitter to keep up with you guys, and...actually...three Instagram accounts..." she said looking away because of how ridiculous it sounded.

Dan and Phil looked wide eyed at Devon as they tried to understand what she just said.

"Three?! How?" Phil said curiously searching for an answer.

"Well, I mean, I have a personal account, which was my first one, then I started getting into the "shipping idea of things" so I made a "bbxrae" account, which I am never on anymore, then I have a phan account...which is pretty self explanatory." she said dipping her pizza in ranch and taking a bite.

After that strange conversation it got awkwardly quiet. Phil shifted his eyes over to Dan who was still trying to get his thoughts together. Phil then, nudged Dan with his foot under the table to get his attention. Dan looked over, Phil gestured his head over towards the girls then back again. Dan looked a bit confused but soon caught onto what Phil was trying to say.

"Um, girls. We have something to tell you...something us.." Dan said looking at them with his pretty brown eyes.

They listened closely, knowing what was going to be said next. Waiting for Dan to say the words, they started to hold their breath for what was to come.

"Phil and I" Dan said pausing before saying the word.

The girls smiled widely and screamed with delight. "Omg so our Dad's are actually a thing?!" they said not really knowing what to do next.

Dan and Phil smiled, nodding their heads while Dan took Phil's hand in his.

"THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!" Vernie exclaimed standing up out of her chair. She then went over to the pantry and grabbed the popcorn and started to put it in the microwave. After the microwave started miiccrooooowaaaavvvvinggggg, she turned around with the most devious look on her face and said "Netflix and Chill anyone?" and winked.

They all started to burst out laughing while Dan said "more like Netflix and PHIL" they started laughing even harder. Dan got up and went to another pantry which a bunch of bottles in it. The girls looked at him with a little confused look on their face, then looked at each other.

"Well if we're gonna do it, we gotta do it right!" he said grabbing a bottle of red wine. Phil looked a little concerned for a moment, remembering they were only 14. But Dan then reassured him.

"Oh, come on, it'll be fine. I drunk at their age! And look how I turned out!" Dan said pouring a class for himself, then Phil, then the girls. They were both hesitant for a moment but then started to drink.

"Just not too much Dan...ok?" Phil said looking at Dan concerned.

"I promise, I won't do anything crazy. Come on Philly" Dan said scoring a pouty face.

After that it was kind of a blur for all of them. Except for one thing one of the girls vaguely remember. Dan and Phil got into a fight.

Hey guys! Yes, I have updated twice in one week! I know! Now this chapter might be might not be...but who knows. I hope you do though! I'm trying to start another story but that will start later on after I probably finish this story because lord knows I can't focus on two things at once. But yeah give this story a vote if you liked it and comment down below what you enjoyed most about it! And I will see you guys in the next chapter! Byeeeeeee

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