Chapter 2

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Phil Lester opened the door, he smiled and said "may I help you?" He looked a little confused. We couldn't say anything we were so amazed. Finally Devon spoke up "um..y-yes, you see w-we are here- we are- you're our-" "we're your children" vernie said helping Devon get the right words. Phil paused, and got wide eyed. "I'm sorry what?" "It's a long story...but it's true" the girls looked down and fiddled with their thumbs waiting for an answer. Phil was just standing there, then finally moved and opened the door more "please, um...come in!" They followed directions and went inside. Devon and Vernie sat down on the couch while Phil sat in front of us. "Would you like anything to drink?" He said with a smile. "No thank you, maybe later". Phil sat down "so you're my...children?" He said a little weird. "Ok, let us explain."

"It all started when our parents were on vacation..." Phil listened intensely. "Oh before we start....where's Dan?" Devon said quietly. "He's doing a video with PeeJ for a few hours, he'll be back in about an hour" "should we wait for him....?" "I'll explain what's going on with him when he gets back" "Ok so, our parents were on vacation and we were home hanging out. Vernie, who is my best friend and now legally my sister, I'm Devon btw, were him watching YouTube and actually you guys, and we got a call saying our parents....well our parents were dead..." A few tears started to fall on Devon and Vernie's cheeks. Phil was almost crying and let out a few tears "they were, w-" "you don't have to finish that, you can skip it..." Phil said wiping away a tear. "Thank you, well afterwards we were in shock and didn't know what to do....then vernie had an idea, which was insane but it was an idea...when we saw you and Dan at a meet and greet..we had you sign something that would change our lives..." Phil looked confused. "What did we sign?" He said sternly looking at the two girls. "You guys were always there for us, when we had depression, when we were alone. When no one else was there...YOU were...." Said Devon, looking at vernie. Vernie gave Devon a nod, and Devon pulled out some papers. They looked at each other, then handed Phil the papers. He opened them up and read them. He sighed then put his hand on his head like he was wiping off some sweat. "So it's official, you two are my....daughters.." Phil looked back down at the papers and read the big black letters 'ADOPTION PAPERS'.

Phil felt sympathetic towards the girls since what they have been through and thought for a minute. He looked into their eyes and he almost began to cry, he saw the pain but yet still, they had a little sparkle come to their eyes. He couldn't leave them, but how was he going to tell Dan? "Ok girls, now I can see how wonderful you two are and I assume, since you're both 14, you don't have another place to live at right now. So there is nothing you can do to make me" Phil smiled and the two girls lit up with joy. "Do you really mean it?!" Said Vernie "we can stay, we actually have a home?! AND WITH OUR HEROS? That are our...DADS!" Devon said. The girls were smiling, Phil stood up and held out his arms for a hug, and they all hugged tight. Then Dan walked in. "Hey Phil I'm h-" he stopped as he saw Phil embracing two teenage girls. Phil looked at Dan, then said to the girls "you two go to my bedroom while I talk to Dan". The girls smiles faded a little bit it was still there. "ok" they said and left to the bedroom. Dan smiled as they walked by and when they were gone Dan looked at Phil. "What happened while I was gone?!..."

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