Chapter 6

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Devon's POV:
The next morning I woke up. I had the most amazing dream where Dan and Phil had adopted me and Vernie, and we are gonna try and get them even closer then they already are, then I went to bed. I opened my eyes expecting to see my same old bedroom, I sat up, looked around. It wasn't a dream. It was real, I took a big deep breath and exhaled with a sweet sigh in my voice. I looked at the clock, it was 8:00am. "No one will be up" I thought. I heard some shuffling in the kitchen. I looked down to see Vernie still asleep. I got up and walked over to the mirror. "Wow, I have serious bedhead....oh well" I looked down at my pjs, a Jack Daniels shirt and teal sweatpants. Classy. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked out the door into the hallway. I made my way to the kitchen yawning, when I walked in I saw Phil. Standing, making himself a bowl of cereal. He looked up at me and smiled, "good morning" he said to me. His black hair was in a quiff, he had Cookie Monster pjs and a tie dye shirt on, and, is that some stubble I see?! I smiled back "good morning" I said scratching the back of my head while shuffling in awkwardly. I looked around and found the living room. I sat down on the couch across from Phil who was sitting in a chair. He turned on the tv to an anime show. "Any show in particular that u wanna see?" Phil said looking my way. "Oh no, you u can watch whatever, I don't mind" I responded. Phil looked around, "is Vernie still asleep?" "Yeah, she sleeps in a lot" I said "where's Dan? Still asleep?" I said "yeah, he was up late last night, he couldn't sleep" Phil said watching the tv. "Would u like some cereal?" Phil said pointing to the counter. "Uhm sure, I'll have what you're having I guess" I said standing up. I walked over to the kitchen. "Ok so, let me show u where everything is, in this cabinet is where we keep the bowls. The cups, the plates, and etc." he pulled out a box of cereal and a bowl. He fixed me some breakfast and gave it to me. "Thank you" I said quietly, I'm always like that. I wish I could speak better but in some situations I am so socially awkward. "You're welcome" said Phil handing me the bowl. We went to sit down in the living room and watched anime as we finished our breakfast. I went back into the room and saw vernie fixing her bedhead in the mirror, she turned to me "good morning" I said smiling "morning" she said smiling back. "I just finished breakfast with Phil, I'll fix u some cereal if u like?" I said motioning toward the door. "Yes! Food!" She said clapping her hands and walking towards the door. I laughed as we went to the kitchen. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell u, don't have a heart attack when u see Phil" I said to her. She stopped and turned around "why?" She said confused "because he has stubble" I said. Vernie got wide eyed and jumped a foot in the air and squealed. "WAIT ARE WE WAITING FOR THEN!? LETS GO!" She said grabbing my arm and yanking me to the kitchen.

Phil's POV:
I ate breakfast with Devon this morning. She is so pleasant but shy, I think it's just the environment, she just needs to get use to it. She went back to the room to see if vernie was awake. A few minutes later Dan walked in, shirtless and in his underwear. Rather he forgot we had teenagers in the house, or he just doesn't care. Either way it's fine with me, I don't mind seeing him in his "pjs" every morning it's nice. I've honestly been wanting to ask Dan out for quite some time now, but I don't know how, and with the whole kids thing going on I'm not sure how he would react. Oh my gosh, I didn't even think, these girls! They're probably phan crazy also, I wonder if they could help me.....? Dan looked up at me "morning Phil" he said with a smile, and fixing his bowl of cereal. "Morning bear" I said smiling back. He looked at me and giggled, scrunching up his nose and looking down shaking his head. "Sorry I woke you up last night by the way. I tried so hard not to interrupt you" he said walking over to sit beside me "oh no it's fine, I didn't mind. Plus I got to sleep better because I was snuggled up with you" I said blushing a little while turning toward him. He smiled "yeah, thanks for that, it helped me sleep better too" he said taking a bite of his cereal.

Girls POV:
We were standing outside of the kitchen when we heard Dan and Phil start talking. "They are so married" vernie said looking back at me "shh, they'll hear us...and yes" we kept listening when we heard Phil call Dan bear. I (devon) had a mini heart attack while I was trying to contain vernie's phangirl moment. Then we heard them talking about last night. "Oh my god, did you hear that?! They CUDDLED LAST NIGHT!" I said to vernie "OH MY GOSH YES! We need a plan of action dude. How are we gonna do this?!" I said to Devon. "I have no idea". Just then, Phil came around the corner knocking us straight on the ground. "Oh I'm so sorry girls! Are you alright?" We looked up at Phil who was helping us up. "Yeah yeah we're alright" we said finding out balance. "Oh thank god. Say, do either of you need to take a shower? You can use it anytime you need to, you know? I mean this is your house too" Phil said with his smile. "Yeah, I was getting ready too, but after I showed vernie where everything was in the kitchen" I said to Phil. "Oh ok, and girls. I would like to speak with you in private later on when you're dressed and everything. Ok?" Phil said almost whispering to us "ok" we said, and Phil left down the hallway to his room. We walked in and saw Dan on the couch. Shirtless. Only in underwear. He looked at us and almost jumped because he didn't realize what he was doing. He grabbed a blanket and put it over himself. "Lol, so this is why you didn't come on camera in one of Phil's videos" I said, sorta tapping vernie with my elbow beside me. "Ha ha, yeah, this is why. Well I don't supposed you won't see me like this at another time so, I guess it's fine if I go around like this. Right?" Dan said cautiously removing the blanket. "Yeah, it's totally ok. I mean we're your kids so" vernie said. I fixed vernie some cereal as she sat on the couch talking to Dan. After that I went to go take a shower, while vernie was eating breakfast.

-time jump-

Devon's POV:
Vernie and I had just finished putting on our makeup when Phil knocked on the door of his bedroom. "Girls? I was wondering if you would like to go to Starbucks? Dan is filming a video and he doesn't seem to need anything right now, so I have some spare time of you would like too?" "Yes we would love too!" Vernie and I said as we started toward the door. We grabbed our phones, and followed Phil. "Wait for a second. Dan?"


"I'm going to go to Starbucks with the girls for a little bit ok?"

"Yeah ok, I'll be here"

"ok thanks see you later"


"Bye. Ok let's go girls"
We headed out the door and started walking, London is so beautiful. We reached Starbucks and ordered our coffees. "Alright so, how are you liking London so far?" Phil said "it's beautiful" I said "it's amazing" said vernie. "That's good, I'm glad you're enjoying it" he took a sip of his coffee then said "so, are you two, phan, shippers?.." Me and vernie looked at each other. "Yes..." We said giving Phil an 'I'm sorry' look, we thought he was going to be weirded out, but then something unexpected happened. "That's great! Because I need your help" Phil said smiling. We looked puzzled. "Need our help?...with what exactly?" I said glancing at vernie who was intensely listening to Phil. "Well, with Phan of course...I want to ask Dan out, to be my boyfriend" me and vernie about fell out of our chairs when we heard Philip Lester say this with his own mouth. We were staring in amazement we couldn't believe it. "A-are..are you serious? Or are you just toying with us?" I said "I'm being serious, I want to ask Dan Howell out" Phil said. "Devon and I would be MORE THEN HAPPY, to help you ask Dan out!" Vernie said bouncing around in her seat because she was so happy, honestly I was happy too, I was more then happy. OUR OTP IS BECOMING CANNON FOR GODS SAKE! HOW OVERJOYED WOULD YOU BE?! "Great! Let's get talking then" Phil said taking a sip from his coffee and looking us in the eyes, ready for the plan.

Hey guys! Omg plot twist, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. And I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I have just been busy with back to school and all, but I promise I won't be late again...ok well I'm gonna try anyways. Give this story a vote of you like it and I will se you guys in the next chapter! Byeee 💖

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