Chapter 4

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"Ok girls, so we didn't...really know you were coming so we don't have a room available right now but I suppose that me and Phil can share a bedroom for now while u take the other room. If that's alright with you Phil?" Dan looked at Phil "yeah that's perfectly alright with me". The girls grabbed their stuff and followed Dan down the hall. "Um, Phil is it alright if they share your room?" "Yeah, sure why not". "Are you sure it's ok? We can sleep in the living room. If it's too much trouble right now" vernie said "no no you're perfectly fine. I don't mind having u share my room". The two girls walked in Phil's room and set their stuff on the floor. Dan looked at his phone for the time. "Well it's about 9:00pm, I bet you're tired so why don't you two get settled in and we will see u in the morning" Dan smiled at the girls and so did Phil. The two girls smiled back and said thank you softly. Dan and Phil walked out of the room and shut the door behind them.

Girls POV:
"Wow, this is actually happening Vernie"
"Yeah I know, it's insane"
"Well, there is only one thing I want to know now"
"Is Phan real" they both looked at each other. "Even if they aren't official, it's gonna be pretty hard for them not to show it around us soon" said Devon. "Yeah, I mean holy amazeballs Dan and Phil are our dads, it has to be real though!" Vernie said. She got up and started to put on her pjs, Devon did the same. Devon walked over to the bed and got in, "Getting in anytime soon?" "yeah in a second" Vernie paused, "Devon, just take a second to realize, you are laying in Amazingphil's bed" Devon smiled and took in the covers and took a big breath "yeah, I know". Vernie got in next to her, "so how are we going to know if Phan is real?" "Well, I mean they are our dads, they will eventually tell us. But I have a plan" "oh not one of your plans" "oh yes vernie, you'll see, we will bring them closer than they ever were before" Devon rolled over on her side "goodnight". Vernie was on her phone scrolling through tumblr. 'I hope Devon doesn't do anything stupid to ruin our new family. I swear' Vernie's thoughts were cut off by a sound. She looked around the room, and then got up slowly to go to the door. When she got there she heard more of the sound. It almost sounded like talking. "Hmm, should I go investigate? What about Devon?" Vernie looked over at the sleeping Devon, "nah she'll be fine".

Vernie opened the door slowly. Then peeked out, no one was there. She looked across the hall and saw Dans room. She walked over to it and put her ear up to the door. Nothing. After a second she heard the sound again. She went to the kitchen, and saw someone pacing back and forth in the kitchen mumbling words. Vernie tried to step closer to understand what he was saying when she stepped on a creaky floor board. The figure stopped and looked where the sound came from "hello...?" Vernie stepped out of the shadows. "Oh hi, Dan...I was just getting a glass of that ok?" "Y-yeah, that's fine. Sorry I didn't know you were there...h-how long were you standing there?.." Dan said a little skittish. "Oh I was just walking, I didn't stop, I heard mumbling and I figured it was you.." "Oh well, here" Dan fixed Vernie I glass of water. "There you go" Vernie took the cup, "thanks. So, might I ask, why you are up at 3:00 in the morning? Pacing back and forth mumbling to yourself?" "Well, idk, I- I thought you said you didn't stop" "well that doesn't mean I couldn't hear you walking back and forth talking to yourself, from the bedroom". "Hm, guess not. Well you go on back to bed ok? Or just, stay quiet and don't wake up Phil. Ok?" Dan smiled at Vernie. "Alright, see you in the morning Dan" "you can call me, Dad...if you like.." Vernie smiled. "Ok, night...Dad".

Dan and Vernie walked back to the rooms. Vernie shut the door and saw Devon hogging the bed. She sighed, then got in and slammed a pillow in her face. She jerked up. "What! I'm up! Where's the fire?!" "Move over you bed hogger. I don't have any room" "oh, sorry" Devon moved over and went back to sleep. Vernie took a sip from her water. "Dad" she whispered to herself in a little laugh. "Wow" she sat the cup on the bed stand and curled up in the colorful comforter. And fell asleep with a smile.

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