Chapter 5

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Dan's POV:

I walked into my bedroom, but made sure to be quiet since Phil was asleep, and I didn't want to wake the girls. I sat down on the bed beside Phil. Wow I haven't shared a bed with Phil in years I thought to myself. Phil looked so content and happy all cuddled up in the blanket. I wonder what he is dreaming about that's making him have that smile on his face? I wondered. I started to think about the girls. Are we really doing this? Do we actually have 2 daughters and Phil and I are the DADS? I was starting to worry that this might change me and Phil's friendship. What if it's never the same again? I didn't want me and Phil's friendship to end because of kids. Apparently I was doing something noisy because Phil woke up and rolled over. "Dan, what's wrong?" Phil said to me with squinting his eyes since he didn't have glasses or contacts in. "Well...oh it's nothing Phil. Go back to sleep" I said to make him stop worrying. He always worries about me, even the silliest things. He just wants to make sure I'm ok. "No, Dan something is bothering you, please tell me" Phil said doing a little puppy dog face. Oh god how can I say no to that?! "Well, it's just, I was worried about having these kids. Being "parents" and all. I was scared that our friendship might change and I really don't want it too." I said grabbing my Haru pillow and hugging it shoving my face in it to hide the redness in my face. "Oh, Dan. Nothing could ever change our friendship not even these kids. I was really happy because...well I thought it would feel like a family. Like our family is growing." he said scooting closer to me. He put his face right in front of mine and slowly moved the pillow away. He smiled at me. He reached over to put his glasses on, "Now, where is that smile I love to see so much?" I was blushing really hard, but we didn't break eye contact. He started to tickle me, "come on Dan, where is it?" I couldn't help it, I was laughing my ass off. "See, there it is" he said giving me a smile. We were looking into each others eyes. Now I would be lying if I told you I didn't have a thing for Phil, but the thing is, I have no idea how to express it or tell him. I've always thought he had a thing for me too but, it has never been confirmed. It's sorta like 'skinny love' when 2 people like each other but are too afraid to say it. That of course, or he just doesn't like me. I was getting lost in his deep blue/yellow/green eyes. I could stare at them forever. Phil finally smiled and removed his glasses and set them back on the nightstand. He lied down on his side and opened his arms into a hug. I snuggled up with him. I smiled as I could feel his smile on my back below my neck. He let out a sigh "Goodnight, Bear" Phil said before he went to sleep. I smiled thinking, how did I possibly end up with such an amazing friend. Phil is always there to cheer me up and is always happy. No words could possibly explain it. I was starting to drift off into sleep when a whisper came out from my mouth before I did, these words were "I love you".

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