Imagine #13; Zach Porter

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An imagine I wrote per request on May 20, 2013.

Imagine you've just moved out of state, actually, way across the country-- California to be exact. Currently, you are going into your senior year of high school. The move was hard on you for many reasons, a few major ones being that you, now, know no one and you've just left all of your friends and family behind. It's your first day of school and you make sure to keep to yourself. In fourth period, your teacher has everyone sitting in pairs. There is an odd number of students in your class, and being the new girl, no one selects you as a partner. Your teacher introduces you to the class. "Is there a group that would like to volunteer to have [y/n] join them? If not, I'll select a group for her to join," your teacher says shortly after. No one volunteers, and she places you in a group with two boys. They both greet you with a smile. One boy has long, wavy brown hair and beautiful blue eyes; the other has long, curly brown hair and green eyes. After a few minutes, the three of you emerge into a short conversation, ended shortly after by the loud bell at the end of class. As your teacher dismisses you, the three of you go separate ways. Two periods later, you're standing at your locker, gathering your belongings for the next class. As you shut your locker, you hear the bell, marking the start of the next period, go off. You run through the halls trying to find your class, and not be too late. You wind up running into someone, knocking, both, his and your stuff everywhere. You look to find that it's the boy with the blue eyes from fourth period. "I'm so sorry," you say, shyly, bending down to pick stuff up. "No, it's fine, trust me," he says. He looks at you and smiles, "You're new here, right?" "Um... Yeah," you say, looking down. "Well, would you mind if I, uh... showed you around town sometime?" he asks, shyly. "Um... no, I'd, uh... like that," you reply, shyly, blushing. "Maybe we should, uh... get to, um... class, now." you say. "Uh, yeah... We probably should. Where do you have to go?" "Room 312." "That happens to be where I have to go, too." he says with a smile. As the two of you walk into the classroom, he says, "By the way, I'm Zach." Two months later, the two of you are hanging out. You're looking off at something in the distance. As you turn to face Zach, he kisses you, unexpectedly and whispers, "I love you."

Imagines - open for requests.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ