Imagine # 14; Cameron Quiseng

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Imagine I wrote per request on May 24, 2013. This one's a bit longer than I typically write and there's a lot of detail in it. I kind of like this one.. I hope you all do, as well.

Imagine you're studying for a big test coming up in school... It counts for a large portion of this semester's grade. You sit at your paper-covered desk, half asleep with your face practically buried in a textbook. Slowly, you begin to drift off into a sound sleep, knocking papers everywhere as your head hits the desk. Your mind becomes lost in a sea of old beloved memories that you haven't though of in a long while, rather than random dreams. You're suddenly fifteen again. You're sitting by a large, shady oak tree in a park local to your house. You'd spend countless days days and hours in that exact spot, regardless of the time, season or weather because it was always so calm -- so peaceful. You could always just clear your mind, calm yourself down, no matter what was going on.. As you're sitting, you feel a slight breeze blow your long hair around gently. You lift your head toward the sky, eyes closed, letting out a loud breath, with a smile on your face. Everything at that very moment feels nothing short of perfect. You feel something -- someone -- brush up against your shoulder, causing you to jump from being startled. You turn to find your best friend Cameron sitting directly beside you. He's slightly over two years older than you. You've known him since you were a small, shy eleven-year-old just starting your first year of middle school, meanwhile he was in his final year of middle school... He had long brown hair, and the most beautiful green eyes you'd ever seen... "Hey there, [y/n]-- I mean, brace face." You roll your eyes, shaking your head. "Must you really always call me that?" He's called you brace face since you were in eighth grade, the year you got stuck getting braces, and the name kind of just stuck because it annoyed you slightly. "Pretty much." he says smiling, with a slight laugh. You shake your head. Suddenly, half a year passes by... You're now sixteen. You sit in your bedroom as you grab the final box, leaving it completely empty, leaving all your memories behind, tears welled up in your eyes... You're moving, moving out of state, moving out east. "I'm gonna miss you so much." you say hugging Cameron, tightly. "I'm gonna miss you too, brace face..." he says in a hushed tone, before he unwillingly lets go of you. You look up at him. You get lost in each others eyes for a second. "[y/n]... We need to get going." your mom says. "Well... G-goodbye, Cameron." you barely manage, fighting back tears. "Bye, [y/n]." he says, quietly, as you walk off toward your parents' car. "[y/n]... [y/n]... [y/n]!" you hear a voice, continuously getting louder and louder... "Wake up!" Your head finally shoots up. Tiredly, you rub your eyes and look around. "You're gonna be late for class, [y/n]..." your roommate says, calmly. "Wait... What time is it?" you question, finally waking up. "10:15." "Shoot!" you shout, running to get ready. Your class began in just 15 short minutes and it was on the other side of campus... You throw your hair up in a simple messy bun and throw some sweats on, quickly, before running out of your dorm.. You barely make it on time. Your friend looks at you from the back of the room, just shaking her head. Around five minutes later, your entire class is sitting for a test... Throughout the entire test, you find yourself nothing more than distracted as memories proceed to fill your mind, again. You can barely concentrate. After class, your friend finds you. "[y/n], are you okay?" "Uh.. yeah, I'm just really tired." "Whatever you say... Well, you're coming to a concert with me a little later. You'll love this band.... I just know it." she says, excitedly. For another minute, the two of you talk, before going your seperate ways. When you enter your dorm, you fall backward onto your bed before quickly falling into a sound sleep... As your eyes close, more memories come to mind... Along with these memories is your each and every thought regarding everything... Your fears, wishes, concerns, goals, everything. Eventually, you're awoken to your friend shaking you violently, attempting to wake you up. "Go away..." you mutter, half asleep. "No, get up... Now." "Why?" "We need to get going, bro..." "Where are we going, again?" you ask, still half-asleep. "A concert... Now, get up before I go and pour a cup of ice cold water on you... I am holding a cup after all." You shoot up at those words and walk away. You fix your hair and put a little make up on, before throwing on a pair of skinny jeans, Converse, and a black t-shirt. "Are you ready yet?" your friend questions, after fifteen minutes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Let's go." Nearly twenty minutes later, you two arrive at a concert venue. "Wow... That's a long line." you mutter to yourself, staring at the line going around the block. "Not really... I've been to concerts where there have been lines five times the length of this, at least. We're not staying on this line long, regardless, since we have VIP tickets." Ten minutes later, VIP is let in and you find yourself staring in disbelief, as the band comes out for sound check. 'No way... That can't be him; it just can't be.' you think to yourself. About 45 minutes later, you're waiting in line to meet the band. "It is him..." you mutter to yourself, as you approach the band. "Hey, Brace Face." the one in the middle says. "Hey, Cameron." you begin to say, smiling. "I've really missed you... A lot." "Well, it has been three years since we've last seen each other." he says, hugging you tightly. You two talk about various things, until securitiy shoos you away for holding the line up. You walk back out toward the stage with your friend. "Wait, you know them?" she questions. "Not all of them, just Cameron..." you say, looking away, lost in thought. "But, how?" After a minute of silence, she hits you in the arm. "Ouch..." "Stop ignoring me. How do you know him?" "I wasn't ignoring you, I just wasn't paying any attention to you... And, I knew him from school... We were best friends until I moved away." "HOW DID YOU NEVER TELL ME THIS? HOW?" "Jeez, calm down... It's not like I knew I was friends with someone from your favorite band, before.." You two continue on until the opener comes to the stage. Three hours later, it's all over. You and your friend walk around trying to meet various people from bands. Cameron walks over toward you and proceeds to engage in conversation. "Everybody needs to leave, now." A man says, trying to rush everyone out, aside from you. "You know... There's something that I've really wanted to do for a long time," he whispers. "And, what might that be?" you smile. "This." he says, leaning in and kissing you. "I love you, [y/n]." he whispers in your ear. "Wow... You didn't call me brace face." "I didn't feel that would fit the moment..." he pauses. "I love you, brace face. There, is that better?" You smile, shyly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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