Imagine #8; Cameron Quiseng

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Imagine it's your birthday and it hasn't gotten off to the best start. You sit all alone in your dark room, letting your thoughts wander aimlessly throughout your mind. It's nearing 5:00 pm, and not a single family member of yours has wished you a happy birthday. You think nothing much of it because they've forgotten before, so it's nothing out of the ordinary. What struck you as weird, however, was the fact that not even Cameron, your boyfriend of four years, called you.. You understand that he's busy with his band being on tour, but this isn't the first time he's been gone for your birthday and he typically calls you first thing in the morning. 'Did they all somehow manage to forget?' you think to yourself. You shrug and walk downstairs to get something to eat. The lights are all off and you nearly fall down the barely visible steps. You flip the light on and after a second your [almost] entire family appears out of nowhere and shouts "SURPRISE!" Your heart races and you jump out of shock, but quickly a smile fills your face. "So.. You all didn't forget?" you question, still smiling. "Of course not!" your mom says, pulling you into a hug. After a few minutes, you look toward your mom and say, "Cameron hasn't called me today... Do you think he forgot that it's my birthday?" "No.. I'm sure he didn't, just give it a little more time... I'm sure he'll call you or something in a little bit." You shrug and walk off to greet your other family members. About five minutes later, there's a knock at the door. 'Isn't everyone already here?' you think to yourself. You answer the door to come face to face with a bouquet of red roses being held by someone. Slowly, he lowers the bouquet and smiles. You return his smile and throw your arms around him, into a huge hug. "Happy birthday, beautiful." he whispers. You hug him even tighter. "What are you doing here?" you ask as you back away, still standing in the doorway. "I missed you.. A lot. Plus, it is your birthday." "I'm aware." you say with a slight giggle. "I kind of thought you just forgot that it was my birthday, though.." "I could never forget your birthday, [y/n]." "Time for cake!" your mom shouts nearly ten minutes later, carrying it to the table in your living room. When you look at the cake, you notice a stunning ring sitting in the center. You turn toward Cameron with the biggest smile you've ever had on your face. Cameron looks at the cake and says, "I didn't put that there..." You turn toward your mom who, after a few minutes, admits that she did. "Well, [y/n].. I was going to ask you later, but I guess I will right now." he picks up the ring and gets down on one knee. "[y/n], will you marry me?" Slowly, you start to nod your head and say "Yes." He slides the ring on your finger and says, "I love you, [y/n]," before kissing you. "I love you, too, Cameron." you say after. "Happy birthday." he says smiling at you. You look toward the ground and can't help but shyly smile..

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