Imagine #2 Cameron Quiseng

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Written per request January 1, 2013. So, for a while I actually quit writing imagines... This is the first one I've written in around half a year. And, yes.. It's another Allstar Weekend imagine, it was a request from someone on a page I run. ^_^

Imagine it's the middle of winter and there's a gentle snowfall outside. The ground and everything is white. You sit on the ground in your living room as you watch TV. A commercial comes on and in the background an Allstar Weekend song is playing. It makes you miss Cameron, your boyfriend of three years, even more than you already had been -- he's been on tour for a month and a half already and there's a whole month left. Your phone suddenly rings and, sure enough, it's him. "Hey!" you answer, happily. "Hey, beautiful." he says back. After a minute, you hear something -- someone -- out in your front yard. You quietly peek out the window to find a guy who had clearly fallen in the fluffy looking snow. You can't tell whether or not you know him since he's facing in the opposite direction. You go to say something to Cameron, but he's no longer on the phone. You throw your coat and boots on before cautiously walking outside. He quickly turns to face you and smiles. You walk toward him, returning his smile. "What are you doing here?" you ask. "I dunno..." he says as he walks toward a block-ish pile of snow. When you look closer, you realize there are words written above a heart that the block-ish pile of snow is in. 'Will you marry me?' it reads. On the snow pile is a stunning ring with a large diamond. He gets down on one knee and says, "So, will you?" A huge smile fills your face as you say "Yes." He slides the ring on your finger and says, "I love you, [y/n]. I love you so much. I can't wait to be able to call you my wife."

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