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"Oh, thank God. You're finally here!"  Mark exclaimed, pulling me through his large double-doors.

"Where is he?" I inquire, scanning the room.
Jay didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

Mark shook his head lightly as he started walking away. Catching on quickly, and I follow suit.

Until we reached the living area.
Empty beer bottles were scattered across the room, and a half-conscious bad boy was lying on the ground.

Mark pats my should before exiting the room silently. Once he is gone, I clear my throat.
This earns a twitch from Jay, but nothing more.

Letting out a gentle sigh, I tip toe over to him, getting down on his level. I then lay my hand against his damp forehead.

"Raina," he mumbles.

"How did you know it's me?" I quiz softly.

"It's your perfume," Jay states, a small grin ghosting his lips.

Mimicking his almost unnoticeable smile, I run my fingers through his hair.

"Why are you sweating?" I ask.

"I don't know."
His voice was small. Something I've never heard out of him before.

Jay reached up, untwining my fingers from his dark locks.

I frown in confusion, watching as he gets up.

"You can go home now," he snaps while facing the other direction.


"You've been avoiding me for so long, I think it's time that you go back to doing it."
Even though it's only words that are leaving his mouth, I flinch at the impact.

Was I really that harsh by avoiding him these days?
A painfully strong guilt washed over my body.

Maybe I jumped to conclusions too quickly.
Maybe I should have trusted him more.

"I was wrong," I whispered, lip quivering faintly.

"Wrong about what?" His angry voice retorted. "Do you still see me as that bad boy that doesn't care about girls?"  I frowned.


"No," he interrupted. "Guess what, honey, I don't care about girls. Really, I don't care. But I care about you!  You should have known this."

"I just admitted that I'm wrong, why do you have to keep pushing it?"

"Maybe you can get it through that pretty little head of yours.  Admitting your faults isn't as difficult as you think it is."

"Please don't make me leave without you," I beg.

"Now I am good enough to go home with you?"

I let out a heavy sigh.
Jay is being stubborn again, and I have to try my hardest to calm him down.

"You were always good enough," I state.

"Don't charm me," he commands.

"Everything okay in here?"  Mark's voice cuts through, and my head turns in his direction. I send him a silent plea through my eyes, and he picks up on it rather quickly.

Mark shuffles over to where we are standing, and pulls Jay's head to his.

"What are you doing?" Jay asks, protesting.

"Shh," Mark hushed while pressing his cheek against Jay's forehead.

I giggle slightly at Mark's way of lightening the situation.

"What the fu-"

"I was checking your body temperature," Mark cuts off Jay, pulling back once again.

"What, are you my mother?"

"Jay," I warn, earning a gaze from him.
His face then scrunches up, muttering vulgar words.

"I can't stay mad at you," he says while rubbing his face.

"Yay!" I squeal, jumping into his arms.
He quickly catches me, holding me tightly.

"Go home," Mark pushes, chuckling to himself.

We obeyed, trailing out the door and heading for Jay's house.


Once we reached his room, Jay fell back onto his comfortable bed. He let out a sigh of contentment.

"May I ask a question?"

"You just did," he cleverly replies.

I walk towards his bed, sitting next to him.
Raising my hand in the air, he flinches away from me.

"I'm sorry," he spills repeatedly, in hopes of avoiding my slap.

"Okay," I say in between laughter.

Jay then returns to his position, urging me to ask the question that I really wanted to know about.

"Who was it?" I inquire.

"You have to be more specific."

"On the phone, Jay. I'm not that stupid."

"You're not?" He smirks.

"I'm not!" I say as my voice rises.

"Tell me why you're not," he requests, sitting up and preparing to listen intently.

"I know that you were speaking with a girl on the phone."

The smirk only grew on his face.

"That's why you're so pissed?"

"You left me to see her," I say through gritted teeth.
He stops smirking once he hears the pain in my voice.

The truth is, I was never mad; I was hurt.
I didn't want to be left for another girl, especially by Jay. And he finally realized this.

He leans forward, bringing me into his embrace. Jay's large hand rubbed my back soothingly, and I hug him back. My hands strongly grip his shirt.

"Raina," he cooed. "You said you're not stupid, yeah?"

"Yeah," I confirm weakly.

"Then you should have recognized the age in her voice."

Wait, what?" I ask, leaning back to look in his eyes.

"You heard me," he states.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means the girl's voice is older."

"Oh, so now you like older girls?" I snap.

"Don't talk about my mother like that," he commands, concealing a smile.

"Oh my god," I breathe out.
Jays smile dropped, and he deeply stared at me.

"Do that again," he whispered.

This time, I slap him without hesitation.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding," he clarifies, laughing.

"Whatever," I sulk.

"Hey," he says, tilting my head to look at him. "Can you forgive me?"

"I can, but I won't..." I trail, teasingly.

"Please," he implores.

I nod, bringing my face closer to his.
"Yes," I whisper and lick my lips.

He takes the hint, and closes the gap.
Our lips meet in a sweet, but short kiss.

I frown as he pulls away. His hand comes up to my neck, holding it in a passionate way.

"I love you."

Bad Boy Jay [AOMG]Where stories live. Discover now