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Staring at the device in my hands, I waited for Jay to contact me again.

I wanted him to call, or even text. Some sort of contact to let me know that he's thinking about me. But maybe he isn't, and I haven't crossed his mind once.

Jay is known for not calling back, so this could have been a one night thing.

"Are you going to stay in your room all day?" Cassy asked, barging in.

"Probably." I answered, tossing my phone onto the bed.

"Well, I have something that might change your mind." My head shot up, looking at the mischievous grin that was apparent on Cassy's face.

"And what would that be?" I asked, suddenly interested.

"There's another party tonight."

"Who will be there?"

"I'm not sure. But I heard it's at some guy's house." She answered, taking a seat on my bed. "I think he's a friend of Jackson."

"Oh yeah, Mark. He's a cool guy."

"So you know him?" Cassy questioned, probably wondering how I have so many connections.
But when you have a friend like Cassy, you have to know where to find a good party.

"Yes, I met him officially at the party" I answer, sitting down next to her.

"Is he cute?"
Of course she would ask me that.

"He is very cute" Cassy nods in approval.
"But I don't see him as the party type, I'm surprised he's hosting this."

Cassy shrugs. "As long as I'm going, I don't care."

I couldn't help but wonder if he will be there.
Will Jay act like normal?
But then again, is there really a normal for him?

Tonight, if Jay is there, I'm going to play hard to get. I cannot just fall head over heals for him right away. I'm not even sure if I like the guy. I mean, he's cute and nice but I don't know what's real. There could be a whole different side to him that I don't even know about.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" I look to the curious girl.


"Hopefully Jackson," She says with a joking grin.
Will the Jackson jokes ever end?


I stared at my reflection in the mirror, and started to have second thoughts. I'm wearing a beautiful dress, but it's black lace and very short.

"Cassy, are you sure I should wear this?" I ask, my eyes not leaving the mirror.

"Yeah!" She answered, coming to stand next to me. "You look great."

"Are you sure?" I blurt.
I can't pinpoint as to why tonight is giving me such hesitance. Usually, I don't second guess this much.

"I'm sure. Now, let's go," She grabbed the keys, and we headed out.

Once we got there, I noticed that Mark's house was in the same area as Jackson's. It must be nice, living so close to your friend. But then again, I live with mine.

Mark had told me to just walk in when we arrived, so that's what we did.

Surprisingly, there was not many people here. I think that Cassy and I were expecting something larger, but the number of people was not excessive.

"You can go get a drink. I'm finding Mark," I told Cassy. She nodded, walking off.

Whenever we attend a party, Cassy and I don't stick together. We go off and do our own things.
The only thing that the two of us actually do together is the drive.

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