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"Well, I'll see you around." I say, stepping out the door.

Cassy and I start walking towards the car.

"I can drive." I remind her.

She groans and tossed me the keys. "Thank you."

"Hey, wait up!" A voice yelled.

I turned around to see who it was.

"I'll be in the car." Cassy said.

Why did he follow us out here?

"What are you doing? You should be inside," I say.

"I need to talk to you," He answers, panting.
He must have ran out here.

"Well, start talking" I retort, crossing my arms.

"Well, um..." His large hand reached up to the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously.
"Let me take you out tonight."

"Why should I?" I question, crossing my arms.

He chuckled. "Because you'll have a nice time."

"Hmm, I'm kind of tired. I don't need to have any nice times."

"Quit being stubborn, just let me take you on a date."

"Oh, now it's a date?"

"Correction: it has been."

"Since when?" I scoff.

"Since the minute you entered the party last night."


Stepping into our apartment, I let out an exasperated sigh. Cassy is still tired from last night, so we just ordered pizza to be delivered.
When it came, we dug in and talked about the events of last night.

Surprisingly, she was able to recall the majority of it. I was embarrassed to admit that I only remember being with Jay.

"I still can't believe that you agreed to go on a date with him!" She said, shaking her head slightly.

"It's just one date," I retort.
"After that, he'll probably leave me alone."

"Then you can focus your attention on Jackson," She suggests with a grin.

"Whatever you say, Cassy."

I got up from the couch, walking into my room. Originally, I wasn't going to dress up for this date. But Cassy insists that I go all out, making him
'see what he's going to miss'. Those were Cassy's words, not mine.

My hair was curled at the ends, along with my face being coated with a light layer of makeup.
I was wearing a skater skirt, paired with a casual top.

As much as I just want to rip these clothes off and put on some ripped jeans and a t-shirt, I guess I have to impress this guy.

I still don't understand why I'm impressing him, if Cassy so strongly thinks that I shouldn't get into a relationship with him.

A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts, so I go to answer the door.

Too bad Cassy already beat me to it.

I found her harassing the poor guy.
"Oh, it's you" She spat.

"It's me. Why, did you expect someone else?" He responds, holding back his snappy tone.

"Raina told me that she had a date, but I was kind of hoping she meant with Jackson," I clear my throat, making the two heads turn my way.

If I wasn't so annoyed with the girl, I would be amused at the fact that she is toying so hard with this guy.

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