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I watched as he removed the headphones, placing them gently to hang on the large microphones.
He then sauntered out of the room, walking towards me.

"How was it?" He questioned before placing his lips onto mine. I respond to the kiss, but shyly pull away.

"You did great," I answered, fanning my cheeks. Jay beamed at me.

Jay already knew that he was talented, so he didn't need my approval. He doesn't even need people to tell him that he is good.

"Babe," Jay spoke while pulling me closer to his body. The scent of his cologne filled my nose, and my eyes fluttered shut in response. "We should go on a date." I felt his lips on mine once more, but I delicately pushed him away.
Jay sent me a pout, jutting out his lower lip.

"Not in front of them," I whispered while gesturing around us.

"They won't care!" He whispered back.
So, I gave in.

My hand found the back of his neck, roughly pulling him closer so that he is at my level. Something flashed through his brown eyes, and I'm sure it was excitement. I lean in, waiting for him to close the gap. And he did.

His moistened lips reached mine, caressing them in a slow manner. So slow, that it was almost agony.

'What a tease!' My thoughts shouted at him.

His teeth then grazed my lower lip, nibbling it occasionally. I groaned impatiently, to which I felt him smile.

"So eager, baby." He said with a chuckle.

Jay kissed me lightly, with smooth and tender motions. I mimicked his actions, but let him take lead.

Then I felt his tongue swipe across my lower lip.
I refused to grant him entrance.

We continued kissing, and he continued begging to enter. When I didn't budge, he bit down on my lip.
I gasped in shock, and he took this as an opportunity to explore my mouth with his skilled tongue.

I soon pulled away, once hearing the cheers from many of the boys. My face heated, so I hid it against his toned chest.

His hand rubbed my back soothingly, understanding that I felt embarrassed.

"Alright, that's enough guys," Jay commanded out. They stopped immediately, yet snickers continued to fill the room.

"We should go," I mumble, voice muffled by his shirt.

"Yeah, sure." he answers, tugging me along to fetch his jacket that was laid on one of the couches.

Jay dropped my hand so that he could shrug on his black leather jacket.

"Ready?" He inquires, putting on his pair of black sunglasses.

"Sure," I state softly, grabbing his hand. He laces out fingers together, saying goodbye to the boys. I smile kindly to them, sending a wave.

As we exited, everyone that passed said goodbye to Jay. But there was one particular person that caught my attention.

A black dress hugged her body, showing off her curves. I let go of Jay's hand and cross my arms, feeling self-conscious. Jay looked down at me, but I remained silent.

"Jaebum!" she called, feigning a sweet, innocent tone. His head snapped the the girl, and I saw his eyebrows narrow.

She looked at him as if he were a piece of meat, biting her pouty lips. I watched her with an uncomfortable look.

'I don't like the way this is going,' my thoughts echoed over and over.

"Oh, yeah," he spoke. It was almost as if he were just now recognizing who this girl could be.

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