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Rolling over, I am greeted by bright rays flowing through the curtains of my window. I groan and cover my eyes, trying to shield them from the burning sunlight.

I must have slept in pretty late, since my room is so bright. It normally has a more dim setting.

I let out a soft gasp as the arm around my waist tightened, tugging me closer as my face hid in his chest. His intoxicating scent has filled my nose, and I push my face further into his chest so that I can continue to smell it. His other hand was tangled in my hair. I smile, removing it from my long locks.

As I place my hands on his toned stomach, a deep groan escapes his lips. I giggle, feeling his stomach tense up. Even though he was wearing a shirt, I could feel his perfectly carved abs. His fingers dug into my waist, and I let out a small yelp.

To be quite honest, muscular guys don't make me swoon. But for some reason, I've fallen for the way that Jay is.

Pulling back, I stare at his fair skin. His lip twitched, and I took this as a sign that he was still sleeping-- but it was a very light sleep. He could be woken up by the slightest thing.

One of my legs find there way between his, pressing up. "Uh," he groans, and I bite my lip to conceal any laughter.

"Jay," I whisper in his ear, causing him to twitch. His sleep-filled reactions are very odd. "Jay, wake up." My whispers fill his ear again.

Jay's breathing pattern changes, but his eyes remained closed. My hand lightly trails up to his chest, drawing patterns. His eyes finally flutter open, meeting mine.

A smirk forms on his face as he brings me into a hug. I hug back, but quickly push my palms on his chest.

"I can't breathe," I groan out.

"I can't breathe either," he speaks. "But it's because your beauty is astounding."

I claw his chest, causing him to jerk back immediately. His eyes widened, staring at me.

"I had to escape you somehow," I shrug.

Jay's hand finds his chest in attempts to rub the pain away.


"You're lucky that you're so cute," he answers, shaking his head slightly.

Ignoring his comment, I sit up in the bed. My slender hands meet my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. I felt refreshed, finally being able to have a good nights sleep. And laying next to Jay honestly made my slumber even more peaceful.

But then I realized that the apartment is very quiet. Sure, it usually is after one of us attends a party. But it's almost too quiet.

"Is Cassy not home?" I ask suddenly, looking at Jay.
He twitches, parting those thick lips.

"Yes," he said. "She is not home yet."

"You checked?" I ask, almost feeling uneasy.

"Well, I checked your phone. I didn't read through your messages, but you had no notifications from her." He explains. "And I never heard anyone come through the door last night."

"I didn't either, I am a light sleeper." I say back. "I would have woken up."

"Do you want to go look for her?" He asks, caressing my cheek with his large hands. "We can get something to eat, and I'll drive you anywhere.

"Thank you, Jay." I say sincerely. "But I am going to call her first, to make sure if she will pick up." His head nods, and I take out my cell phone.

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