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When I woke up I heard dad and Vic singing With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear. I smiled a bit, only it didn't last long. "I only have 19 days" I said to myself and groaned. Only 19 days left till I had to go to school, filled with preppy, stuck up, rich girls and airheaded jocks. It shouldn't be too bad, because Maddie, Shelby, Alex, and Angel will be in all my classes with me.

I looked at the time on my phone. It was only 6:13, and we had to go record at 7:00. I also had messages from Maddie, Shelby, Lex, and Angel. all were about us going to school, Nate mentioned that I had to meet him at the park.

"I got to take a shower, and eat breakfast," I said to nobody in particular, then got up and walked into the bathroom.

Once I got in there I found a note on the floor. The first thing that came to mind was him, Razor. I unfolded it and it said "Awe blade, you look so cute sleeping. I know you will see this. Just wait, soon you will be mine once again. Nobody actually cares about you, all those people you call 'family' just feel pity for you. Your little boy toy, what's him name again... Alexander or as you call him Lex. Yeah, he doesn't love you, no one does. Because how can someone love someone who wasn't even loved by her real family? They can't, but they can feel pity for them. I can't wait to have you back, we'll have so much fun. GO KILL YOUSELF YOU UGLY, SUICIDAL, SELF HARMING, RETARDED, EMO! NO BODY LIKES YOU."

Every single emotion ran through out my body, sobs racked my body as fell onto my knees. I started to breathe hard. My eyesight became blurry, and sat in the corner between my door, and the shower with my knees to my chest. After a few minutes I got up. I grabbed the only thing that numbed the pain. My IPhone, along with my dock. I plugged it in and blasted Scars by Saywecanfly.

After I calmed down, I grabbed my blade and flushed it. I don't need this anymore, I never did. I thought I did, but I don't.

I dropped the note, I ran back into my room and saw the window I never open, opened.

"Oh fuck. This can't be happening. Not now, why now?"

I don't care anymore I can't do this. I grabbed my phone and texted everyone in my contacts to come over right now.

I threw on my Harry Potter Hufflepuff (#teamcedric) sweats and ran down stairs waiting for everyone to get here. Dad soon came down and asked me why I was wearing that to the studio. I broke down and through my shaking sobs said "I-I can't go, plea-se call th- the studio, and-and say tha-that we can't do it to- today-y." Dad walked over and hugged me. "I will, and everyone called me and they told me that you texted them to come over. Why?" he said to me.

"You'll see when they get here." I said calmed down a bit.

Everyone came and when I say everyone, I mean literally everyone. They were gathered around the living room. I told them I would be right back, and went to go get the note. With shaking hands I slowly picked it up and carried it back down so I can show everyone. They all know who Razor is and so they will know exactly who wrote this.

"Okay, thank you guys, so much for stopping everything to be here to hear this. Umm... Well all of you know about what happened a few weeks ago. But this morning I went to go take a shower, only I found this note" I said holding up this piece of paper. "It said that he will have me back and kill myself, and that nobody really cared about me. Is that true, or is he just trying to get in my head?' I asked everyone. Tears swelled in my eyes once again.

"What kind of question is that?" Jake from Black Veil Brides asked.

"I don't know, it's just. Ugghh." I said getting frustrated.

"We all love you Turtle. You are with us cause we love you, not because we feel pity for you. Right guys" Alan Ashby said and everybody came up and hugged me. Even Alexander , which made me blush, one because he whispered in my ear " especially me beautiful, I'll see you later." and two, because he is hugging me.

all the guys who came, went home after telling me that he was trying to get in my head, and don't listen to him and each gave me a hug. I turned to mom and dad, who were trying to call our manger to tell him we're not coming, and that we have to come in tomorrow. I looked at them for a minute before saying "dad, mom, forget it I want to go. I can't let him control my life. He won't control my life, because I'm the only one who can do that." After I said that and ran up the stairs to take a quick shower and change.

I called the girls and told them to meet me at the studio because we are going to do this either way.

Once me dad, Liam, and Rowan got to the studio it was 6:57. "Hey are you going to start with covers or do you're song?" dad asked me while we were walking towards the building.

"Umm... I think I'll start with some more covers. I want to be more comfortable singing in front of people before I sing something I wrote myself." I told him, "Dad, tell John that I'll be right back please. I gots to pee."

"Okay, hurry up." he said and went to tell John, while I went to go to the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom and saw all the stalls full.

"Of course they're all full, and now john is going to be mad at me for making him wait" I grumbled to myself, but once I did a stall opened reveling a girl who looked about two years older than me.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." she said after she accidentally bumped into me.

"You're fine, I'm Joanie, but call me Turtle."

"Hi turtle, I'm Ali. My real name is Alison but I like to go with the shorter version of my name better.

"Cool, hey I would love to talk more but I kinda have to pee." I tell her.

"Okay. Hey here's my number you seem really cool." Ali says to me and puts her number in my phone, and she left.

After I got to our recording booth John looked furious.


I started tearing up. I hate when people scream at me.

"Do. Not. Yell. At. My. Daughter. Ever. You do understand me, don't you John?" dad said.

"Well, it shouldn't have taken her 20 minutes. If she does that one more time then I'll have to fire her and her little friends." John said cockily to my dad, which he didn't like.

"Okay John." my dad sneered. "Me, my daughter, and her little friends be leaving now. Also one more thing you're fired and I never want to see your face again."

"I've never seen your dad so pissed off. Is he okay?" Angel asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen him like this either." I tell her back.

Once dad dropped off Maddie, Angel, and Shelby we went home.

"Hey dad, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes sweetie, I'm fine. I'm going to call the guys over so we can go out with them and let this whole day just disappear." he said and no other words were said.

Another hour went by and dad was hammered drunk. So was Gabe, and some how Austin, Vic, Tony, Jake, CC, Andy, and Alan came over and got drunk even more than dad. If that was even possible.

"Mom, I'm going to bed." I said to her once I found her.

"But Joanie, It's only five o'clock, why are you going to bed so early?"

"I don't like to be around people who are drunk." I said tugging on my sleeves a bit.

"That's right. Okay, you don't have to sleep just go do something fun." she said.

"Wait it's only five, that means I have to meet Alexander in the park in an hour." I said. (A/N I know it said 4:00 but I changed it to six but It wouldn't let me change it.)

"You can go sweetie, just please be careful."

"Alright mom love you" I said then went to get ready to meet Lex.

Now I just need something to wear. I'll text the girls and see what they think.

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