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Holy shit guys! I have fucking 12 k views on this. I looked last night, and on February twenty second my book will be one year old. To come that far more in not even a year is insane. Thank you for all the support. I know I say it so many times, but I am so thankful for all of you. Wattpad is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have met so many nice people. Some are now my friends, and some we are still getting to know each other. I love you all, and yeah <3 <3. Oh and that is the new guy that comes into this chapter at the top.

I slowly got out of bed to get ready for another day of hell. My stomach was bruised from that girl who punched me yesterday.

"Kid, are you up?" Beau Bokan yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm up. Do I have to go to school today?" I yell back.

"Yes you do have to go. Oh and you're riding the bus for now on."

You got to be fucking kidding me. I hate riding buses. People are just so close together, and touching. It makes me uncomfortable and want to vomit.

Not that I hate people, I just dislike physical contact with people I don't know.

I got dressed in a twenty one pilots sweater and black ripped jeans along with my purple lighting strike vans.

Once I got down stairs I found bacon pancakes sitting in my spot of the table.

"At least I get my pancakes." I say and walk over to the table only to be pulled back by beau.

"You took too long. Time to wait for the bus." He says with the same stupid smirk my dad had yesterday while eating my pancakes. (If you haven't noticed I love pancakes just saying.)

"You fudging kidding me? I didn't get to eat them yesterday either. Put them in a ziplock bag and I will eat them on the bus. I don't care I will eat them." I say to Beau who is staring at me.

"You'll look weird though." A voice says from behind me.

"Alex!" yell at him. "Why are you here? I thought you were on tour." (It's the Alex from All Time Low.)

"Break. I came to see Kellin, ask him to get a hold of Vic for me. He won't answer my calls."

"Here I'll text him for you." I tell him and send a quick text to Vic.

*Opening to the theme song to Attack On Titan* "He said he is busy with the new album. He'll call later."

"Alright, thanks. You will still look weird if you eat the pancakes on the bus though."

"Like I care. I have to leave right now anyways." As it was right on cue, Beau hands me the ziplock bag full of broken up pancakes drenched in syrup and told me to leave. I'm lucky I put on a hoodie, because it is cold. Which is pretty weird since it's just now turning fall.

Minutes? Hours? I don't know how long I waited for that damn bus. Once it arrived and I got on I looked around for a seat to my self. I did notice one thing I didn't like, the girls who punched me were on the same bus. I found a empty seat all the way in the back. Score, I can eat my pancakes in peace.

"Sup loner." A voice said in the seat next to me. A cool scene boy with black hair and blonde highlights. Dressed in a very similar pair, if not the same, black skinny jeans I was wearing, a few band bracelets, and a misfits vest.

"Hi." I said continuing to get out my pancakes and fork.

"I'm Asher but I go by... Are you working for BL/ind?" He asked me.

"No." I replied and immediately knew he went by his killjoy name.

"Well I go by Acid Star. Do you have one, or do you want me to give you one?"

"Well first I'm turtle, but yes I do have a killjoy name. It's Static Flame. (My real killjoy name. I have a lot of free time.)

"Awesome. So Static Flame, want to skip with me to hang out and defend battery city with me?"

"Yeah. Can I eat my pancakes too?" I ask him, I really want my pancakes.

"Yes you can as long as you share."

I pout a bit but agree. "Fine. Hey can I text my other friends and ask them to come along. No they do not work for BL/ind. Although we'll have to give them killjoy names." I smirk a bit at the last statement.

"I guess it's okay." He says.

"I have a surprise for you when we go and save battery city." I say once everyone agrees.


Acid star got a guy to sign us out in the front office and we left.

Me and him waited on the side of the building for about ten minutes. Asher pulled out a carton of cigarettes, grabbed one, lit it a took a drag.

"Want one?" He asked me.

"Never tried it before."

"Well, you know what they say. There is always a first for everything."

"Might as well." I took the lit cig from him and took a drag off of my own. It felt like all the weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I heard Lex's voice from around the corner, and I quickly stomped on the cigarette to put it out.

"Hey guys" I say and give Lex a hug. "This is Asher, but call him Acid Star. Which do you have a killjoy name?" I ask them.

"I do." Gwen says.

"Obviously you do." Asher gives us a confused look.

"Can I tell him?" I ask her. She nods her head yes knowing exactly what I want to tell him.

"Gwen is Gerard Way's other daughter."


"Yeah, oh and my killjoy name is Agent Lithium." She told him.

I introduced Acid Star to everyone else, and turns out they all had killjoy names.

Shelby is Chemical Galaxy, Lex is Panther Heart, Angel is Sin Goddess, And Madison is Adrenaline Revolution.

"Alright Killjoys, keep you boots tight, your gun close, and stay safe. We're saving Battery City." I say and we walk away from the school.

Aye my lovely potato turtles. Hope you liked this chapter. I really don't have much to say, so yeah.

Stay strong

Stay amazing

Stay beautiful

I love you guys, thank you so much for all the support

song of chapter: dance dance by fall out boy (I don't know why, just go with it.)

Byee babes

<3 <3 <3

Adopted by Kellin Quinn?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora