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Hey guys I just wanted to say, I'm not dead. This chapter was supposed to be 2.1 but It fit better so I made the chapter that was the original 2.0, 2.1. Also this will be like a half chapter maybe. I usually write at least 600 words but I'm only writing about 300. This chapter is a bit different to my others. No they still suck, that is one thing that hasn't changed sadly. Only if I wasn't such a sucky writer I would have more reads but nope. Alright anyways, byes My lovely potato turtles. Don't get turned into fries or fall on your back cause then you'll die. Lawl.

Conner's P.O.V. (didn't see that coming did you)

I watched Blade run around with Alexander, she looked happy. It made me sick, the though of her and him happy together. Joanie belonged to me and only me, I was her first ever boyfriend! I was supposed to make her happy but no the bitch Krissy messed it up.

You see I'm not as bad as you think. What really happened that day was...

I was waiting for turtle to get out of therapy for her depression. Like I always do, I was sat on her bed. Today was going to be the day I was actually going to be asking her if she was ready to go farther than we have before.

"Hey Conner." Krissy said, walking over to me in the most slutty way possible.

"What do you want Krissy, and why are you in Turtle's room?" I asked her.

"What, I can't visit my friend's room, but only to find her boyfriend here?" She said in a voice that made my blood boil.

"We all know she hates you, as does everyone one else in this place. Now, would you please leave my girlfriend's room, as well my life." I mumbled the last bit of the sentence so she couldn't hear me.

"What was that last part? I couldn't hear you."

I mumbled again, "That was the point dumb ass."

"I heard you that time." she said and walked around the room a bit more. Inspecting Joanie's posters and scrunched up her nose in distaste.

Krissy knew I always wait for Turtle, A.K.A. my girlfriend to get out of therapy. The only reason she's here is to get back at her for last night. She said something to Joanie about her music and looks, and Turtle said the greatest come back ever. Krissy got so embarrassed that she left dinner and went to her room for the rest of the night.

I chuckled as the words from Joanie's mouth replayed in my head.

"Well at least I have the decency to actually put on clothes and not walk around in a sports bra and booty short we all know you sleep in. As far as my music taste goes, you can't say shit because what the fuck does nicki minaj "You A Stupid Hoe" teach you in life? (No hate on Nicki okay. but honestly what does she do to help you with self positivity with a song called you a stupid hoe?) Absolutely nothing, while my music teaches you that it's okay to be different. So you can go shut the fuck up and fuck yourself or somebody. Oh wait you already can't fuck somebody cause you already fucked everyone except my boyfriend and you are not doing that, and we all know you already fuck yourself, so just leave whore."

As I came out of my thoughts Krissy was staring at me with lust in her eyes. Her skirt which was already too short was pulled up even higher than before. She noticed I was looking at her and smiled, or smirked at me. I averted my eyes, and looked at the clock 1:45, She gets out in five minutes. That made me smile. Joanie always said she felt better after these things, only she doesn't show it until she sees me.

I stand up to stretch my back and legs, only to be pushed back down. I open my eyes to find Krissy standing in between my legs, practically straddling my lap, while trying to "sexily" bite her lip like Turtle, only Turtle does it cute not sexy.

"Get away from me, bitch. Joanie will be here any minute." After I say that she crashes her lips onto mine and grabs my shirt to hold me in place. Next thing I know I hear a choked sob and the door slamming shut.

Krissy let go of my shirt, smoothed it out, smirked, then left.

Joanie never spoke to me after that, well except for when she said we we're over. Krissy was going to pay for what she did.

I went to step out of the bush in was hiding behind when Blade and Alexander went to leave. I tried being quiet, only I stepped on a branch. They looked back, but didn't see me and kept walking. Thankfully.

Yeah the short chapter didn't happen. That was just what happened between Turtle and Conner. I actually want to clear this up, Conner is not Conner from youtube (don't kill me please I forgot his last name.), he's just a random guy. If you want to imagine it's him go ahead but it's not. Okay, I Will be updating more because we have two weeks off of school for winter break. YAY!!! So that's your Christmas present or the holiday you celebrate this time of year. I will update everyday for the next 4 days. So yeah. I love you, don't fall on your back and get turned into fried or chips, because then you'll die and I'll be sad. byee.

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