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"Cool!" Replied Chris.
" I was sent to teach you how to use your powers to prepare you for the second part of the prophesy" Replied Mr. Clark.
"What's the second part?" Asked Elanor.
"You're not ready, for now, you need to learn how to control your powers" Explained Mr. Clark.
"Where?" I asked.
"In this place?" Asked Daniel.
"It's a DUNGEON!" Shouted Mr. Clark.
"WHAT?!" We all shouted. We suddenly levitated off the ground and were thrown into the dungeon.

"Are you insane?!" I shouted.
"Maybe" he replied.
"Weren't you supposed to teach us first and then chuck us in the dungeon?!" Exclaimed Jessica.
"What's a better lesson then see what my students are capable of?" Asked Mr. Clark.
"I don't know! A cooking class?!" Screamed Sophia.
"Nope!" He replied. A dragon swooped down on us while a flamethrower spirited massive waves of fire. Poison darts sprung from the right side of the wall whilst on the left scorpions scuttled onto the floor. We all jumped up onto a rusty chandelier decorated with hooking spikes which waved from side to side. CREEK! CREEK! CREEK! SNAP! The chandelier snapped and we fell down a dark tunnel which only seemed to go down, down! Down! DOWN! The drop slowly turned into a slide which ended in some kind of nest. A slithering noise echoed around the room!!!

ELEMENTALSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon