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By now, Alex was unconscious and we had only just found him.
"WE NEED TO GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" I shouted. We lifted him but his arm was stuck beneath a massive rock, far beyond the strength we had to lift.
"EMILY!? WHERE IS EMILY?! SHE CAN LIFT ALL KINDS OF ROCKS!" Sophia shouted but Emily wasn't there. Emily had only just came back from the toilet in the present.
"Hello? Where did everybody go?" Asked Emily. By now, Kyle had realized that Alex didn't have any pants on and was laughing his head off. Meanwhile, Alex had gained consciousness and was spazzing out like CRAZY!
"ELANOR! You're psychic right? Do you think you can levitate this rock?!" Asked Alex with fear spreading through his body like a disease.

"I don't know! I'll try!" Said Elanor. Elanor took a deep breath lowered her hands to the rock but not touching it. The rock wouldn't move. She tried again and the rock slowly shifted two inches off the ground and that was just enough room for Alex to slip his arm from the rock. Then the rock dropped again and Alex's arm escaped just in time but never mind that for both exits of the cave had been closed by a thick layer of rock and rubble. We were trapped!!!

As elementals we managed to escape the cave. I sunk into the shadows, Alex turned into wind and blew out the tiny gaps of the cave's walls, Sophia turned into water and trickled out of the cave, Elanor teleported out side the cave, Tia melted a hole in the cave to escape, Connor froze the lava and ran out of the cave with Daniel, Chris, Kyle and Jessica before the whole thing collapsed to the ground. We knew now that we weren't in 103BC, we were 65 million years ago!!!!

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