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Elanor, Sophia, Tia, Emily, Jessica, Kyle and Connor dashed down the ally way. The door to the Geology Lab was coming up but before they could reach the door-handle a boy popped up in front of them in a split second out of nowhere.
"Am I in the future?" Asked the boy. They all looked at him. He was a skinny chap wearing a pale robe, old sandles and a roman emperor's laurel. Jessica giggled at the boy and asked the boy,
"Why are you wearing silly clothes?" Then the boy looked at them and burst into an ocean of laughter.
"You think my clothes are silly? Look at yours, HA HA HA!" Laughed the boy.
"Where are you from?" Asked Elanor. The boy looked at Elanor and managed to get out the words;
"Elena, my love". Elanor looked at the boy with a confused face.
"My name is Elanor and I don't know you!" Replied Elanor.
"Well, Elena-"
"ELANOR!" Corrected Elanor.
"Elanor, I saw you killed by Belletritia in year 103 BC, You were my one love forever and so once you were killed, I went to see the oracle and she said that you would be reincarnated in the year 2003 but you wouldn't remember me or who you were so it's my job to make you remember." Said the boy.

"What's your name?" Asked Elanor.
"My name is Tabitha" said the boy.
"We'll just call you Tobey" replied Elanor.
"Come on we need to keep going" exclaimed Sophia and they continued running to the Geology Lab.

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