Chapter 32: Sad trip

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We were leaving the next day for Daytona. I still haven't asked if Henery if Nicole could go or not. I walk over to her house. I knkw on the door. Henery opens it. He says, " Come in."

I walk in and go to the living room. We sit down. I say, " Sir I was wondering if Nicole could go to Daytona with Jamie, James, Ryan, Lisa, Abby, and I. It will just be for the week at the most."

" As long as she is back for Christmas then she can go."

" Thank you sir. It means a lot to me to have her on this trip. It will be really emotional for Abby and I."

" Your welcome. I know it will be so that is why I'm letting her go. Be safe." He gives me a hug before I leave.

When I get home I let her know that she can come. She leaves so that she can pack.


The next day before we leave I make sure that everyone is ready for the trip. This time we were go prepared incase something happened while we were on the plane. Along with all of their own stuff everyone had something else to bring for everyone. Since we will be on our own jet we can bring whatever. Jamie is in charge of bringing food, snacks, and drinks. James is in charge of bringing something to cut wood, catch fish, to start a fire, and cook in. Ryan is in charge of bringing stuuf for first aid. Lisa is in charge of bringing stuff for us to have fun. Abby, Nicole, and I are in charge of bringing stuff to make sos signs and everything else.

I check to make sure everyone has everything they need. Once I see everyone has everything we leave for the airport.

We get on the plane. It was a little scary. With Nicole by my side it eased my mind though. I say, " I love you baby girl."

" I love you too." We kiss. We go and take our seats. Abby and I could have sat in dad and mom seats but we leave them empty out of respect. The caption comes out to talk to us. He says, " Because of what happened I just wanted to come out to talk to all of you. Your parents trusted me a lot and I hope you guys do too. I will do my best to avoid any turbulence even if that means that I have to go out of my way. The jet is filled up with gas. If you guys want to stop for any reason let me know. I have already called every airport that we may pass that we may have to come in for a landing. They are all ok with it."

We all nod. He goes to take his spot. A movie is turned on. We watch it. The flight goes smoothly. We come in for a landing. He makes sure we hit the runway slow and steady. We wouldn't have even known we came to a landing if we didn't look outside.

We rent a car to drive to the beach house. When we get there we go to our rooms. We put our stuff in there. I go downstairs and find Abby standing in our parents old room crying. I walk up to her and hug her. She says, " I miss them."

" I miss them too."

We stand there crying. Nicole finds us. She hugs both of us. She has us walk out of the room. I say, " I would give anything to see them again. Dad was my bestfriend."

Abby nods. Everyone walks up to us and take turn hugging us. I am glad that we have my friends here with us. That way we don't have to go through this alone.


That night we head to the pool hall to see how it is doing. Abby has to tag along but she will be in the office playing video games.

When we get there a worker walks up to us. He says, " I'm sorry but she is under age. She can't come in here."

I roll my eyes. I say, " You don't know who we are so I wouldn't be walking up to us like you own the place."

Someone says, " Dude don't say another word to them. They are the owners and you will get fired."

The person who said that is a flaming guy. He says, " Hey sorry about him he didn't know. He was just trying to do his job. I'm the weekend manger."

" Yeah I remember you. It's ok I understand him doing his job."

I walk Abby to the office before I rejoin the group. We all look at the fish hanging above the bar. Nicole wraps her arm around me knowing that I could cry at any minute. I was about to cry but she helped cheer me up. The fish we are looking at is the same one that was caught on our fishing trip last time we were here.

There are a lot of people in the bar which is a really good thing. There is a vip table waiting for us. Good thing they knew we were coming or we wouldn't have gotten a table. We play and of course Nicole and I kick ass. We keep the drinks coming. I don't drink alchole because of me almost becoming an alcoholic. Nicole doesn't drink also. One of us will drive the rest home.

We stay until the bar close. When it was closing time I went and got Abby. We let her play a game of pool before leaving. We had an amazing night. Business has really picked up which is really good to see as an owner. We decide to come check up on it once a month. Abby is really sleepy. I drive us back to the beach house.

When we get there Abby is asleep. James picks her up and carries her to her room. We all decide to go to sleep since it is three in the morning.

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