Chapter 52: The end

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It is five years later. A five year old boy runs up to me. He gives me a big hug and steps back. " Momma do I look ok for dinner?"

" Yes Jason you look awesome. Go play before your cousins get here."

He smiles and runs off. Nicole walks up behind me and wraps her arms around me. " We have done a good job with him."

I turn around and face her. " No we did an amazing job with him and not just him but with Abby, Grace, and Luna."

" It's crazy how our life turned out."

I smile and nod. The girl Luna shot ended up living. Since it was Luna's first offence and she grew up a street kid the judge let her off with a month in jeal and community service. The only catch was that she had to become our foster child and live next to Nicole's dad. Which we were ok with since we were the ones to ask him to let her come live with us.

After she moved in Nicole and I decided to tie the knot. We had a very beautiful wedding. We surrounded by family and friends.

My door bell rings. Jason runs to the door and tries to open it. " Jason Mark Hill what have I told you about opening the door by yourself!"

I run to the door so that he doesn't try to open it again. I get to the door and let him open it. It is Abby with her five year old daughter Maggie and her fiancee Arron.

They step in and give me a hug. The kids run off to play. I close the door and we walk to the living room where they great Nicole.

Arron and Abby met her last year of high school. He didn't care that she had a daughter. After getting serious Abby brought him home to meet all of us. Maggie clung to him and they have been close ever since. He is a really good guy. He is in the military which can be hard on Abby at times.

The door bell rings again. The kids run up to the door but wait for me this time. I let Maggie open the door this time. It is Grace, Luna, and their one year old twins. They walk in and hug me. I take my nephew and walk them to the living room. Every gave hugs and started talking.

Grace and Luna tried to fight their fellings for a very long time but then one day they couldn't fight it anymore. They gave in and gave a relationship a try. One year latter they got married. Not long after that they had the twins. One a girl named Haley and the other a boy named Scott.

The front door opens and Henery walks into the living room.

" Abby and Grace why can't you just walk in like Henery does."

" Because Henery is a dad to all of us while we are just sisters to you." Abby says.

I let it drop even though I wish they could feel like they could just walk in since all of the all but grew up in this house.

Henery calls for the kids. They come running yelling grandpa grandpa. He hugs both of them before the run off again. He takes Haley from Luna and plays peek a boo with her. She laughs at him.

Dinner is set out on the table. We all walk and sit down at it.

The gang then decides to show up. None of them have had kids yet. " Hey this is a family dinner. What are you guys doing here?" I say smiling.

" We it's free food. Not to mention we are family. After All Ryan and I are Jason's god parents. Jamie and Lisa are Maggie's god parents." James says.

Nicole welcomes them and tells them to sit down.

We have a family dinner once a week and sometimes my gang of friends come since they have and always will be family to us.

                      THE END

AN: Hate to see this come to an end because I had so much fun writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed. If you did then go check out my other stories

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