Chapter 4: I don't give a fuck

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Nicole's P.O.V:

After I left Amber's house I cry my eyes out. Once all of the tears have fallen I sit there and think. I know she is my teacher but the fact that we basically grew up together should cancel everything else out. I know I failed last year because of partying but this was such a crual and unusually punishment that the universe was playing on me. I have always had the biggest crush on Amber even when she was my babysitter. When I turned 17 she started showing that she was into me also. Three days ago when I turned 18 I should have been able to go to her and made her mine. Unfortunately my dad had taken me out of town for my birthday and I didn't get back here until really late. It has been just my dad and I since I was 12 because my mom killed herself. My dad tried convincing me that it was not my fault but I just never believed him. I know I was a lot on her. She had me to herself for most of the time because my dad worked long hours. He still does but I'm ok with it. A year after my mom ended it I started smoking pot. Not long after that I started smoking cigs. So I was 14 when I started doing those. Then two years after that when I was 16 I was at a party. I was offered my first pill after that I was hucked. I had been drinking since I was 12 though because my mom would sneak me some. My dad had only caught me a few times with pot and cigs but nothing else.

I check my phone to see if I had any texts about a party this weekend or anything. There was a text from Amber saying that she cares more about her job then me. Makes almost evryone in my life then. I call Megal my drug dealer. He says, " Yo little homie princess what's up?"

" You got any good shit that would make me forget something?"

" Yeah swing by in like 10 minutes."

" Ok." I hang up and get dressed. I put on a tank top and shorts. I grab my real and fake id. I then grab my keys to my motorcycle. I go outside and get on my bike. I back out of the drive and put my helmet on. I kick start it and drive to the alcohol store. I buy rum. I then drive to Megals house. I knock on his door and when he opens it he hugs me. I hug hom back. He leads me to the couch. I sit next to his wife that nods at me. I nod back. Megal says, " Don't be hitting on my wife homie princess."

" Chill dude you know I respect you."

" Yeah I know. How much you got to spend?"

" Tell me what you got and I will tell you if I have enough or not."

" Good girl you apparently listen to me."

" No shit you no you are like a brother to me. Oh and come to find out you are the only one that cares about me."

" Homie princess don't think like that yo. Anyways I go some pills and weed."

" You got anything stronger?"

" I do but not for you. You know I truly do care about you because I won't sell you anything other than these two things."

" Ok. I will take 20 pills and an once of weed. I got a party I'm going to this Friday." I lie to him but at this point don't really care. He says, " Here for your birthday it's free."

" Don't do that."

" Give me a cig and we will call it even." I hand him a cigarette. He has a J rolled and smokes with me. He hugs me and so does his wife. I leave. I go as fast as I can hitting 150 on my way home. I pull in and go into my room. I pour me rum and chug it. I crush pills up and mix it with the weed. I smoke it. Then I think to myself you know what the only one who truly cares about me is a drug dealer. So you know what I ain't worth the air I breath. I write my dad a note saying that I love him but can't take it anymore. I take all the pill in my hand and put them in my mouth. I chug the rum grom the bottle and swallow. About five minutes later I feel myself passing out.

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now