Chapter 36: Beat his ass

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I am working late. I know Nicole is tutoring so there was no need for me to go home yet. Abby is over at Jamie's house. I am working on grades for the report cards. They have to go home in two weeks. I want to be done with them a week before they go out. I always try to do that and the principle loves me for it.

I am working on Nicole's report card. Ugh her grades are not good. She is getting a C or D in all of her classes. We will have to work on her grades. I have to be fair so I give her the grade that she has gotten on her report card. She is making a C in my class. She can't bring it up before they go home.

I suddenly get a weird feeling so I go and walk around. I hear a lot of noises coming from the gym. I know Nicole is in there so I don't think much about it. That is until I hear her scream. I walk in. What I find scares me. I see a boy raping her. I run and yank him off. I punch him in the face. I am about to kill him but two other teachers come on. I tell them to hold him while I call the cops. I call the cops and then cover her with my body. I can't believe this has happened to my girl.

When the cops get here I tell them what happened. A cop goes and makes a phone call. Soon Nicole's dad is getting there. He is so pissed which I can't blame him. He ask me to go to the hospital with her. I do as he ask. We leave and go to the hospital.

I know that the boy will get what is coming to him.

I was so afraid when I saw her. I can't believe that dick head had his way with my girl. He is a dick. I hope that he gets his dick chopped off. If I didn't know that Henery was going to give him what he deserves I would have. I almost killed the fucker. He had no right to be with my girl like that. She is the love of my life and I wish I could have protected her. Ugh this is killing ne slowly


When I get her home we cuddle. She soon falls asleep in my arms. I ease my way away from her and call Henery. I say, " Please tell me that you did something to that prick."

" Yes I did and I will be at my house in an hour. You can bring Nicole over then."

" Well she is asleep."

" Ok well then just let her sleep. She has been through a lot. If she is sleeping then it is a good thing. I hope you don't mind her staying."

" No I'm fine with it. I will watch over her and if anything happens I will take her home to you."

" Ok thanks."

" Your welcome."

We hang up. I go and lay back down with the love of my life. Abby is staying with Jamie tonight.

The next morning when she wakes up I hold her. She kisses me back and I kiss her back.

I then get up and go make her breakfast. After it is done I bring it to her in bed. I say, " I have to go to work but you can stay here. It is probably best for you not to come to school. I can have Jamie or James come and watch over you."

" Please have Jamie come."

I nod and call her. She says she will be over soon. I wait for her to come before I leave. I give my girl a kiss and then leave. O hate leaving her but I know that Jamie will protect her.

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu