Chapter 18: Teacher's planning day

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Today is the first teacher planning day. I have a crazy schedule today. I have to grade work, make schedules for this week, next week, and the rest of the days until Christmas brake. I also have a meeting with the rest of the works here. Ugh I am not looking forward to the meeting. It is really boring without the students here. It is just me in this classroom. My classroom looks bigger without the students. I put country music on. Before I start I get a text from Nicole. The text says

" Hey hun I hope you have a good day. I have my first meeting tonight and I would love to come over if it is ok."

" Thanks and yeah that is fine."

" :)."

I start on grading. I have a huge pile to grade and to put in the computer. It takes me an hour to do that. I start writing out my lesson plans. This took a lot longer. I have to plan out for six different classes that are on different levels. This is crazy work. Like with anything you love and enjoy it comes with some hard work also. People don't relies how much work teachers actually do. I feel like a lot of people take teachers for granted.

I finish the lesson plans after three hours. It is now time for the teacher meeting. I walk to the library. This is where we will be having meeting the rest of the year. I take my seat next to a teacher. She says, " How have things been going for you so far?"

" They have been going good."

The principle walks in. I nod as in to say hello. He smiles at me. He says, " Welcome teachers and office workers." We all say hey. " First order of business is report cards will be going out next week before thanksgiving brake. Also we will be having a thanksgiving lunch for all of the students. The students will all be having lunch in the classroom. The class you have the first of the day will be coming beack to your class for lunch. The people who work in the office will be walking around and handing out food with some volunteers. Next we will be having a food drive. The students who bring in cans will get 50 extra cradit points. The food drive will be a little computation and the class who bring in the most cans can win whatever the students decide. Like the thanksgiving lunch the cans will count in the classroom they are in first of the day. The last thing is we need a teachers who will be willing to take the sr class to disney world."

A few teachers and I say we will go.

" Ok thank you teachers. You guys will get $15 a day for taking them."


I am waiting for Nicole at my place. I wish I could say that I am waiting patiently but that isn't the case. I want to know how her meeting went so badly. She finally walk through the door. I walk up to her and hug her. I give her a kiss. We walk to the couch. She sits next to me. I say, " So how was the first meeting?"

" It went ok. I was assigned someone who if I feel like I'm slipping I can call. They have been down this path before and beat the addiction." I wish that she could come to me but I know it is a good thing that she has someone who has been down this path. I say, " It's good that you have someone like that."

" I might be able to make some friends also. It will be good for me to have friends who are going through this."

" Yeah it will be good. I'm glad that the meeting went good."

" Me to. I am so thankful that you have sent me to go there."

" I'm glad that you agreed."

" It wasn't worth losing you and your familey."

I kiss her and she kisses me back. We cuddle and start watching a movie. I ask her if she wants some popcorn. She says that she does so I go and pop some. After it is done I bring it back.


I go into work the next day and the principle wants to talk to me. Ugh what is going on now. I go to his office. He ask me to close the door. I do as he ask. He motions me to sit down and I do that also. He says, " It has been brought to my attention that you have been hanging out with Nicole outside of school a lot."

" Yes that is true but it is after school hours."

" As your bus I have to say something. Keep in mind she is your student now. It would be best if you stoped hanging out with her."

" With all due respect sir I understand she is my student but I will not turn my back on her. My family are friends with hers. Last time I turned my back on her she tried to kill herself."

" I understand that. That is the reason I said as your boss. As a friend of her dad's I don't want you to turn your back on her. She is your friend and has been since you guys were young and your job shouldn't chang that."

" Thank you sir." He dismisses me.

I walk to my class and everyone is already there. I smile at my class. I stand infront of the class and say, " I have a few things to tell me. First we will be having a thanksgiving lunch. On the last day before brake you guys will be coming back here for lunch. Second thing is we will be having a food drive. The class who brings in the most cans will get a prize of the class choice. Also who ever brings in cans will get 50 points extra credit. Third thing is the sr class will be going to disney world. You guys can start signing up now. The last thing is report cards will be going home next week." When I tell the about the first three things they cheer but when I mention report cards they groan. I keep talking, " Today we will be reading chapter seven. As always if you have any questions please ask." I go and sit at my desk. I start working on report cards. I have to write something about each student. Ugh this will be a lot of hard work.


We are meeting everyone at the pool hall. It is Saturday night which means ladies night. I am planning on getting drunk so Nicole had me ride on her motorcycle here. It was so much fun that I wish that I would have let her drive me sooner. When we walk in Lisa yells for us to get our asses over there. We walk up to her. I say, " Did you really have to yell for us?"

" Well yeah. You guys are late."

" No we are on time."

" Well I have been her for five minutes and have been hit on four times."

" Just give in and become bi." Nicole and I laugh about that.

" Hell no I will never become bi I like dick to much."

" Ok ok. To each their own."

" Yeah that is right. You should consider yourself lucky because you have a gay ftiend, bi friend, and straight friend."

" Yeah I am so lucky. Now let's drink."

" Hell yeah let's drink. Jamie two shots of rum."

" Two shots of rum comeing up." She pours two shots and hands then to us. We drink up. We order two more. We tip them back. I'm not even feeling anything. I say, " Jamie I want a jin and juice."

" Jin and juice coming up." She makes it and hands it to me. I drink some of it. I kiss Nicole. She smiles at me. She knows that I need to unwind. Jamie says, " Luke you ready to take over?"

" Yeah I'll take over now. Go have fun."

She walks out from behind the bar. James walks up to us. He says, " Ready to play pool?"

" Yeah we are ready to kick your ass." Nicole says while smiling. We walk over to the table. Nicole, Lisa, and I are on a team. Lisa kinda sucks at playing pool so we put her with us. Nicole and I are amazing so Jame and Jamie wants to weaken our team a little bit. The thing they don't relies though is that I have been training Lisa. Lisa goes first. She hits in the strips and then hits 3 more in. She misses the next. It was a really hard shot though. Jamie goes and sinks five. Nicole sinks the rest including the 8 ball. I don't care that I didn't get to take any shots because we won. I down my drink and then order another. We eat cheese sticks and wings. We play three more games they win two but we won the rest. I am so drunk now that I have been cut off by both Jamie and James. They tell Nicole to get me home. She gets me on her bike and someone keeps me on the back. When we get to my house she puts me in the bed. She had to carry me inside because I couldn't walk.

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now