Chapter 21: Short but sweet

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When we get back to the Hotal we decide to go to the pool. My parents don't want to go but they are letting Abby go. We all change into our bathing suits and head to the pool. No one is in the pool right now. The pool is just the sea but it has different types of fish. The pool is a little scary because the bottom is see through. We are on the third floor so it is a long fall to the bottom. If you look up you can see the other two floors pool. The really weird thing though is that there are two slides. One leads to our pool the other leads all the way down. There is only one intrence. You can walk in and pick which one you slide down. The good thing is no one on the top floors can get in this pool from the slide. There is a green light that tells you when you can slide to the bottom but if it is red you can't. We get in and start swimming with the fish. We are having fun doing that. Abby comes over to me after swimming for a little bit. She says, " Sissy I'm scared."

" Why are you scared hun?"

" Because I felt like I was about to fall through the pool."

" Ok we can leave. Hey everyone if you want to keep swimming you can but Abby and I are going to the rooms."

They all decide to get out with us. We walk to our rooms with towels around us.


We are heading to Hollywood Studioes. When we get in the park we head to Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. The ride start up and it goes up up up. It starts falling down fast and we see a flash of outside. We go up up again and then again it drops us. It goes up and drops. Then it goes up up up up and falls the farthest. We are coming to a stop. I want out of this shit. I don't like drops like that but I have been doing them for Nicole.

We go to watch a show at me request. Everyone knows I'm only riding the drop rides because of Nicole so they know I need a break.

They agree that we should watch a show. The first show we come up to is Beauty and the Beast: Live on stage.

We take our seats and watch the show. There is some funny parts. It is an ok show. Abby really liked it which is really good. I knkw we will go to some shows she doesn't like so I just have to grin and bare it.

After the show we go to The Great Movie Ride. The wait is ten minutes. We get on after the wait.

The driver welcomes us. He starts driving.

Soon we are coming up on a gangster. He throws the driver off and gets on. He says, " Hope you guys don't mind but I'm stilling this vehicle."

He drives us and we see some scenes from his movie. He starts shooting at people. He laughs and keeps driving.

Soon the driver is swinging on and fighting the gangster. He gets the gangster off. He says, " I hope you guys are all ok."

He goes back to driving us. He shows us stuff along the way. We get off and we clap as we do for the driver.

We go to One Man's Dream. It is a museum. It shows how Walt Disney came up with different things. At the end we watch a movie of Walt's life.

We walk to Rock, N, Rollercoaster starring Arosmith. We get strapped in. The ride starts up and music starts playing. We get shoot out and start going through different types of spins and loops. We even go upside down.

When we get off Abby says, " Sis you are really surprising me because you never ride rides like this "

" Amber we need to talk" Nicole says to me. I nod. My dad says, " We will save you a seat at the Muppetvision 3D."

I nod as they walk away. Nicole and I go find a seat. When we sit down she says, " You don't like rollercoasters do you?"

" No but I have been riding them for you."

" Babe don't ride something just for me ok. The funny thing about it all though is I can't stand them either but have been riding them for you."

" Are you for real?"

" Yeah. Let's not do that anymore ok."

I nod. She takes my hand and leads me to the show. We walk in on a funny part. We laugh while finding our group. We find them and sit down. We watch the show and keep on laughing. It is a good show. I didn't expect it to be but it is.

When it is over Nicole takes my hand. We walk to Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. People swing in on rops. People fall off of things. They go flying through the sky. The do different types of stunts. Each stunt is bigger then the last. Everyone says oh ah. We all clap at the end.

We start walking and come to Star Tours: The Adventure Continues. It is about star wars. We decide to ride it because a lot of us love star wars. It takes us to different sets of star wars. After it is over we come away knowing a little bit more about star wars.

We walk to Light, Motors, Action! Extreme stunt show. We sit down and look at a car. When it starts up it shows us how they do stunts in movies. A car goes up a ramp and through a ring of fire. People jump from buildings. A chase between cars take place. One car turns out is a real size car but it controlled by a remote. It is an amazing show. This is my faviort show so far of everything I have seen.

It is getting night time so we go to Fantasmic. It takes us through Mickey's dream of being able to use magic.


The next day we go to Animal Kingdom. The first thing we go to is Kilimanjaro Safaris. We load a safari truck. Our guide starts talking when we see animals. We see lions, tigers, antelope, hippoes, and many more animals.

The ride comes to an end and we clap. We get off and walk to Festivel of the Lion King: It is a show with acrobats, singers, and other performers. Everyone does amazing. The show is ten minutes long.

Abby says, " I want to see It's Tough to be a bug."

We walk to the show. She hasn't asked for much so we can respect what she does want to go do. There is a show outside before they let us in. The bug on stage says, " Welcome ladies, gentmen, and bugs. Please find your seat so that we can begin."

We hear, " Excuse use. Don't mind us."

We feel bugs crawling under us. It gives me the creep. The show is soon starting. After the show Abby has a big smile on her face. It was ok other then the bugs under the seat thing. I still have goosebumps because of it.

I say, " Ok now let's go to Dinasaur."

Everyone nods and we go. It is a ride that shows Dinosaurs. It isn't that good of a ride but it is still interesting. We spend the rest of the day at the park.

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