Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Relationships Lead to Heartbreak, but Maybe This Time Heartbreak Leads to Love.

I was laying in my bedroom on top of my bed listening to my iPod. I was singing along to Avril Lavigne while thinking about the next day. Tomorrow is my first day at school and I want to make a very good first impression. Hmmm....what should I wear...?

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door that interrupted my thoughts.

"Yo! Open up, it's me" I heard my brother scream from the other side. I slowly got up and walked all the way over to my door and opened it a tad bit, just enough to peak outside the door at my brother.

"Yes. What do you want?" I asked trying to sound polite.

"Nothing, just wanted to see how you were doing and to talk to you for a while." he said while ruffling my hair. Ugh I hate when he does that.

"Mmmkay c'mon in" I opened up the door fully and let him walk swiftly by me.

"I hate how you got the best room in the house. I think the only reason is because they wanted to you to enjoy living here especially since what happened at home. You know come to think of it, you have not thought about or said anything about Josh since we have got here." I instantly froze at the sound of Josh's name. He was right I have not thought about him and he just had to bring him up. Michael turned and realized his mistake. I was suddenly wrapped in his arms and he was apologizing immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I am so so so sorry. I didn't mean to bring him up," my brother kept apologizing.

"Mike let go. Its fine. Honestly let go. I think I am going to go for a walk." I said as I unwrapped his arms from around me while a tear escaped my eye.

"Shai! Get back here! I'm sorry! Shai!"

I ignored the calls as I ran out the front door and down our long drive way to the sidewalk. Why did he have to bring up Josh? I was finely not thinking about him and now stupid Michael had to bring him up.

Josh. Oh Josh Turner, how I hate that name. He was the guy who broke my heart and caused me to hate that horrid school. I hated it there. I hated everything about my past. I didn't want to think about Josh or what happened. I just wanted to forget it all.

I met Josh my first day of freshman year. He was cute. No, he was hot. Short blonde hair bright blue eyes. You know the typical hot guy. Well, he said he liked me and we dated. We dated for three months then he broke my heart. He told me he loved and I believed him. I shouldn't have. But I couldn't help it. He was my first boyfriend. I was just excited that someone finally liked me.


I was walking up the stairs of our old house, in Utah, going to my room.

I heard something from my sister's room, but I ignored it. She was always doing "something" in there. If you know what I mean. Yeah. My sister was kind of known as the school slut back in Utah. She would do anyone if she could. Well come to think of it. I think she did.

I walked past her door and opened up my door.

I dropped my school bag and hopped on my bed ignoring the noises coming from her room and trying to sleep. I looked at the clock that said 3:45. 'Cool' I thought. I have a couple of hours to sleep before Josh comes over and with that, I fell asleep.

I rolled over slowly waking up from a very peaceful sleep. I still remember to this day what that dream was about. Josh and I had been walking along the beach holding hands. I could feel the waves hitting my feet. We were happy and in love.

Relationships Lead to Heartbreak, but Maybe This Time Heartbreak Leads to Love.Where stories live. Discover now