day six

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"Have you ever even played Fifa?" Josh snickers picking a team to play with for a match against Vee.

"Yeah I have, I played sliders Fifa with my brother not to long back thank you very much" She smirks, picking a well know but one of the best teams in the game; Real Madrid, "That's how I know this is a good team" She chuckles lightly.

"You played sliders? You know what sliders is?" Josh is utterly surprised with his cousin's knowledge of the game, considering she's never been a real fan of it in the first place.

"Well that's what my brother called it. It's like when your ramp up the speed of players and their shots or something right? You alternate all that kind of stuff or what not... No matter how bad you are your pretty much guarantee at least a goal"

"To bad you're playing regular Fifa" Josh snickers.

"I don't actually expect myself to win, let alone get a goal" Vee scoffs.

Once again, Josh is introducing Vee to the world of video games. It's not that she's be absent from them because she's been playing Pokemon all her childish/teenage years to even now sometimes, she always used to play a range of other games when she was younger. Now, she just has other hobbies, like reading and making remixes.

"You're very confident in your ability" Josh laughs.

"What ability?"

It turns out to be a game of Millwall -- of all teams -- against Real Madrid.

"If you don't win..." A voice speaks up from beside, they turn to find Simon leaning on the doorway to Josh's room, "... I will be feeling really sorry for you" He chuckles lightly.

"Teams like Millwall don't win against teams like Real Madrid" Josh mentions.

"People like Vanessa don't win games like people that play games for a living like Josh" She rebuts.

"Here, I'll direct you" Simon walks in a takes a seat on the foot of Josh's bed behind them, "I'll tell you what to do so you can win" He smiles.

Vanessa glances back to see that he genuinely means what he said and she nods, "Yeah okay" She turns to Josh and he laughs.

"I'll be feeling really sorry if you didn't win now"

They play, Vanessa scored twice in the first half before handing over the controller to Simon for the second. She decided that he was having more fun than she was. He ended up scoring another three goals, thrashing poor hopeless Josh.

"You shouldn't have given it to Simon" Josh grumbles, pouting a frown at his cousin.

"I'm sorry Joshua but he seemed more engaged than I was" She chuckles lightly and places her hand on his shoulder, "There will always be next time."

"A next time?" He questions.

"Against Simon" she lets him down in monotone and the boy continues to frown, all hope regained in a matter of seconds is flushed down the drain in the matter of less.

It's makes the other two laugh together, with Josh, not at him. Josh grumbles something on the lines of "Simon is better at FIFA though" but then continues "but I'm better at everything else."

"HEY! FUCK OFF YOU ARE!" Simon yells, rather disgusted with the comment.

Vanessa's eyes widen, she is trying to hold in her laughter. The boys begin arguing about games they are good at and who is better than who, Vee just manages to sit in the middle of it.

"Don't even dare put London Olympics on me, that's not fair!" Simon exclaims. The argument sounds ridiculous, Simon glances over to Vanessa to find her trying really hard to hold her laughter, "Hey Vanessa, you don't understand, he pretty much created that fucking game, he barely loses" He informs.

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