day three

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It's a knock on the door that startles Vik this morning. Still sleepless he stands and shuffles towards his door tiredly; he's been editing all night.


"Vik, uhh, we have a problem" Josh cringes slightly.

"And what would be what Josh?" Vik sighs pressing his fingers on his temples.

"Simon is back on the roof again"

"Again, why?" Vik steps back and allows Josh inside, he backs up and falls back into his desk chair, slumping into it.

"I think he's been up there since early morning" Josh walks and takes a seat at the foot of his bed, "I think she called again last night before dinner"

"You think a lot" Vik comments.

"Vik" Josh growls sternly and Vik sighs.

"I'm sorry, I haven't slept. I thought it was just something like JJ beating him that made him down?" Vik queries. The two then both shake their heads in unison, "no, he gets over that stuff quite easily" Vik rebuts his own statement.

Both boys know that Simon can be a sore loser at times but he tends to get over losing games quite easily, unlike Jide who will probably have a grudge for the rest of the day.

"what do you think she wants?" Vik questions Josh who shrugs, how would he know? She has always been unpredictable. "I just hate seeing him get fucked over time and time again."

"We all do" Josh mutters and sighs, he allows himself to fall back and lie of Vik's bed.

Simon looks at the sky and the cloud floating by. He's spent all morning out there; he even watched the sun rise. It's strange to say a roof is a safe place but it is for Simon, no matter how unsafe it is to get up there.

It's his safe place because no one is game enough to come up with him. It's where he goes to think and be alone [A/N: and not to wank because that would be really unsafe and you'd never know who's watching (sorry I had to)].

Simon found the place not long after they moved in. He was looking around and he opened up the bathroom window to find that it was really easy access to sit on the rooftop; it was one of those "ahh, that's cool" moments for him. Then he didn't really think he was going to go up on there, maybe once at most. Now it's another story and he finds himself up there weekly at least. Sometimes for minutes, sometimes for hours; he always ends up visiting his place.

From where he is he hears the sound of a tap and the brushing of teeth; Vanessa is awake.

"God I look like hell" She mumbles to herself before she spits out the excess toothpaste and water. After brushing her teeth, she washes her face and as she goes to leave she glances at the window. She's surprised that it's open.

Vee wanders over and glances out the window to notice the view it has. It's rather nice, probably better than her bedroom window. Vee then looks around to the roof to find Simon, "Oh shit" she quietly cusses and pops her head back inside. She then runs out and down the stairs towards Josh's room.

"JOSH! JOSH!" She calls out for him. Vik and Josh look at each other in confusion, to be honest it's the loudest Vik has ever heard her speak.

"I'M IN THIS ROOM, VIK'S ROOM!" Josh calls back and the loud running leads to the very room.

"Simon's on the roof!" She alerts, she's panicking. She's scared and confused why he's up there, "that's unsafe, he needs to get down, he could fall, he could hurt himself" she rambles on quickly as her heart races with fear. Vik and Josh chuckle at her though and she looks at them utterly confused, "what's funny?"

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