Chapter 28- Bored! Bored! Shut Up!

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Darcy's POV.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots rang out over my head and I didn't flinch, just continued to lay with my arm over my eyes on the sofa.

I was perfectly aware that Sherlock was shooting at the wall behind me but I didn't care, I was sure he wouldn't hit me.

He'd been gone a total of two days, he said the case was boring and he was only with the client for about half an hour, it must have been the travelling that took up the time.

John had been looking after me which basically meant I wasn't allowed to leave the flat and he insisted on me drinking tea all the time, as if that would do any actual good.

Living with Daddy John wasn't exactly the highlight of my time in Baker Street if I'm honest and if Sherlock ever left again I was sure as hell going with him, whether John liked it or not.

Two more gunshots went off and I groaned from underneath my arm, "Please, Sherlock, shut up." In response I heard another shot go off and I sat up slightly, staring at him, "Really?"

The door slammed shut downstairs and the footsteps I had grown so accustomed to over the past two days made their way up the stairs, I grumbled and laid back down on the sofa.

Sherlock took another shot and I saw the bullet whiz over my head, "Jeez, Sherlock, you could have-"

"What the hell are you doing?" John shouted from the doorway and I grumbled turning away from them both, my back facing them.

"Bored." I heard Sherlock moan sulkily.


"Bored!" Sherlock said again loudly and I rolled my eyes.

"No..." John muttered and then one shot went off, then another a couple of seconds after.

After every one Sherlock shouted angrily, "Bored! Bored!"

I flinched and then shot up, glaring at him and he just smirked at me in return. John hurried into the room and snatched the pistol from Sherlock's hand, I made eye contact with John as he slid the clip from the gun.

"You threatened my life because you were bored?" I commented, aiming it at Sherlock.

He rolled his eyes, "Not really threatening if I knew I wouldn't hit you."

"Yeah, but I didn't know that." I muttered and put my chin in my hands as Sherlock walked towards the sofa.

"Don't know what's got into the criminal classes. Good job I'm not one of them." He said sulkily and stepped up onto the sofa, when his foot collided with my side I shuffled away and stood.

"For god's sake, Sherlock." I grumbled and sat in his seat. His head snapped around and he glared at me, "You're in my seat." I argued.

John finished up locking something away and straightened up, "So you take it out on the wall?" He accused Sherlock and turned to face him.

Sherlock ran his fingers along the smiley face I'd just noticed was painted on the wall, as his shooting target, "Ah, the wall had it coming." He flopped dramatically down onto the sofa, his head on a cushion on the right side and his feet dug into a cushion on the other end.

"What about that Russian case?" John asked hopefully.

I crossed my legs and sat back smugly, "Don't bother, Johnny."

"You know I think I preferred Blondie." He grimaced and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Belarus." Sherlock interrupted louder and we both turned our attention to him as he continued, "Open and shut domestic. Not worth my time."

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