Chapter 2- Curly To The Rescue.

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Darcy's POV.

"Oh, hello Officer." I grinned innocently at the Officer who stood over me but he reached down and grabbed onto my arms. He pulled me over to the pavement and sat me down, handcuffing me to a fence. "Is this necessary? I've done nothing wrong."

He turned back to me and said, "Sneaking around a crime scene. You're staying there." I looked him up and down, reading him.

Just gone through a bad breakup. Young. New to the force. Panicked. Number in front pocket from the girl on reception.

"You've just gone through a bad breakup and already, you've got the number of the girl from reception. Well done you. You're new to the police force and panicked when you saw me." I said in a rushed tone and lifted the hand that was handcuffed to the fence, "Hence, handcuffing me to the fence."

He looked at me shocked and stuttered, "How... How did you know that?"

I rolled my eyes, "I know you have just gone through a bad breakup because your trousers aren't ironed and there are creases where they've been ironed previously. So, she looked after you and then broke up with you. I know she broke up with you because you can't even bring yourself to iron your own uniform."

"As for the number, I can see it poking out of the top of your front pocket. How do I know it's from the receptionist, I hear you ask. Well the pink lipstick where she's kissed it gave me a hint and I just guessed. You proved me right just by the look on your face. I can tell you're new, because, a) you handcuffed me to a fence and b) it's perfectly legal to hang around on this side of the yellow tape. You should know that."

The Officer looked stunned and his eyes widened. Too easy. I slumped back smugly into the fence and waited for him to let me go.


Sherlock's POV.

"I'm not implying anything." I said, smirking, and headed towards the front door.

"I can tell you're new, because, a) you handcuffed me to a fence and b) it's perfectly legal to hang around on this side of the yellow tape. You should know that." I heard the voice of a girl say and looked to my left to see a teenage girl handcuffed to the fence, the Officer looking at her completely shell shocked.

She was right, what she had just deduced was completely right. I stared at her and walked over to where she was handcuffed. "Sherlock?" I heard John ask me but I ignored him and continued my march towards her, ducking underneath the yellow tape.

I stood over her and she glanced up at me, "Hello Curly." She smiled and I frowned at the awful nickname. She was slumped against the fence and was wearing a black trench coat, had goggles perched on top of her dirty blonde, curly hair and had black combat boots on her feet. I deduced that she was really uncomfortable, obviously, but that was it.

I couldn't deduce anything more than that. That never happens. Ever.

"Officer, if you would release her she's with me." I told the Police Officer who had handcuffed her to the fence. Moron.

He looked taken aback but sighed and bent down, unlocking the handcuffs. "There you go, Sir." With that I turned to walk away, back to the house and she, to my luck, followed behind me.


Darcy's POV.

Curly to my rescue, I thought as I saw him walking purposefully in my direction.

When he approached me, I got a good look at his face. He had the sharpest cheekbones I had ever seen, his hair was curled to almost perfection and he wore a blue scarf underneath his trench coat.

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